HELP!!!! She Moved on pretty soon need advice!!!

me and my ex girlfriend had been together for about a 1 1/2. she broke up with me about 2 months ago. we were on and off during the break up she kept giving me mixed signals then she wanted to just stay friends but i told her via text message “hey i understand why you want to be just friends but i cant get myself to be just friends with you there is just to much love and feelings. i can not have a relationship like that. i have to say goodbye. i wish the best for you and all i want is for you to be happy. i’ll see you around.”

this was about a week ago, since then i have used NC. also FYI i only use twitter for mainly my social media and she has blocked me off facebook so i would not see her stuff and also she now rarely uses twitter. and recently shes been doing jujitsu classes at our campus. well i found out from a friend that she has a, I guess, a new boyfriend because they call each other babe, post couple things, and go to jujitsu classes together and she only puts this on facebook where i cannot see it and i didnt even know this was going one! it only been 2 months since we broke up and i dont know if they are serious or if its a rebound or I dont know can someone help clear my mind a bit?

Do not worry … After breakup no one can move on so quick so calm ur self for a moment … Contact me whenever u need help

During the 2 months of nc, has there been any sign of her either texting you or trying to catch your attention some how? I’m in a very similar situation only mine lasted about 3 weeks after she got a new boyfriend.

actually i barely started doing offical NC about a week ago. during those 2 months i would do NC then when she would text me i would reply. we were on and off on contacting each other and hanging out, then just recently she told me she just wanted to be friends. and i realized that i couldnt just be friends with her so i sent her that message and she has not replied back and i recently found out shes with someone else already. couple of minutes ago actually

U have to send her a letter before u do the NC … its letter to make her think of you as much u think of her and that letter gonna hit the right switch in her brain and start woundring what happened to u and where u gonna be and with who … u need that for the next step and if u do pufff its gonna be great for u