He’s so confusing

Thanks to you reading this, I do need advice over this guy I met online. I started talking to this guy he’s 26, I am 27. We have been keeping in touch for 2 months. He has his life together, his own house good job etc. We FaceTime every now and then and he’s been telling me he’s been looking for someone to call his wife one day and he wants a kids and family just like I do. So he told me he vibes with me a lot and I really do to, be even told me he really likes me a lot. But the problem is his communication. He barely texts and he would reach out every 3-4 days and sometimes I would reach out as well and we would have a short convo through texting. He told me he’s been wanting to go on a date over and over again and even set up days to meet but nothing would end up happening. I finally came to the point where I had to message him telling him looks like you are not taking me seriously I’m an adult and if you are not serious about this then maybe we just aren’t meant to be. He messaged me immediately telling me he is just a horrible communicator and he really wants to have something serious with me, he told me he would change bc he doesn’t want to lose me…etc. So I have noticed his texting has gotten better over the next week. Then suddenly, I got a message from him telling me I need to move on because he has too much on his plate and he doesn’t want to make promises about meeting and lead me on. Long story short I told him I’m working on myself as well and I’m not going to bother looking for anyone right now. So we decided to stay friends and he told me he adored me a lot and we would figure out this relationship deal. Then a week after that he calls me out of nowhere telling me to meet up with him. So I did. He was having an outing with friends that day and wanted me to join and he was great with me and treated me out for drinks and we stuck together the whole time and he was very attached to me that night. Then he asked me twice throughout the night if we can make our relationship official. I said well let’s talk about it first. He admitted to me that when he texted me to move on, he got the news that this girl he was messing with way earlier got pregnant and he didn’t know what to do so he didn’t want to put me through that. And that was why he did what he did. So he started telling me if the baby is his would I be willing to me a stepmother to it and still have a family with him etc I said I need to put some thought into all this and we can talk about it. So he said he wanted to talk about it over lunch the next day. I agreed and before we said goodbye that night he said he wanted to meet my family and he told me he just loves me so much (not official love but in a adoring way). So next day came and we texted a little bit and he said he missed me already and lunch didn’t happen. Day after that I texted him checking on him towards evening bc I didn’t hear from him and he said he was sorry he just got home and I told him are you interested still and want to talk about this relationship deal or what? He said of course and that he was just busy. That was 2 days ago and he still is bad at texting didn’t hear from him for 2 days now. This is why I’m confused I don’t know what is going on anymore. Any input? Advice? I’ll take anything lol thank you for taking the time to read this long post, and I greatly appreciate your responses!

A guy who tells you he loves you after only 2 months of knowing you is insincere. You should stop dating guys who don’t make you happy or who have lots of baggage (a pregnant ex) etc… You had trouble with a guy 2 years ago and another guy only 4 months ago and yet you continue to get involved with guys who have problems. Now you’re more or less begging this guy for attention as in more texting. Use your common sense and dump this guy. You need to become more selective and date guys who are compatible with you.

Thank you for your response Patricia. I agree with you. But the guy from 2 years ago and 4 months ago was the same guy. We were together for 3 years but we did not get back together. And this one is a new guy that I have been talking to. He didn’t say he loved me in a serious type of love he said it as in (I adore you) type of way. But all in all he’s just not consitant. Consistancey is his problem.

When you have a problem with a guy, either work it out together OR dump him if he doesn’t want to change. A good relationship is one in which 2 people interact with love and concern. Both of them are willing and able to resolve issues in a respectful way to a satisfactory compromise or conclusion to both parties.