My ex broke up with me about a month ago. I am very proud of myself because I started no contact immediately, even when he texted me to give me back some of my things. He broke up with me because he “lost romantic feelings for me”. We were together for about 6 months, but the last two months he really started to pull away and stopped communicating as much with me. Our sex life also took a downward turn. It’s almost like he stopped being attracted to me. I don’t know if it was really me or if it was him. He didn’t fully explain and I am very confused. I would take him back if he wanted to get back together, and it still hurts very much. BUT that being said I know I will be okay without him if I have to be. He had been gaining quite a bit of wait but I never spoke negatively about that, I just would respond and encourage him when he said he wanted to eat better and exercise more.
I would love some advice and support on what you all think “I lost romantic feelings” really means. Also, do what can I do to improve communication with someone who struggles with communicating?
When a man loses “romantic” feelings, it means he doesn’t feel as passionate as he once did as in the beginning of a relationship and the infatuation has worn off. Sometimes it’s due to unresolved issues or resentments and he’s not happy anymore. It could be due to opposing life goals or not enough common interests. I know you’re confused and heartbroken, but staying no contact for a while will give him time to think and miss you. There’s not much you can do to change someones style of communicating except encourage them to convey their thoughts as they come up and be understanding and kind, but not critical. When someone holds thoughts and feelings in, eventually there are so many that the person may become confused. Maybe that’s why he didn’t explain or couldn’t. Anyway, give it some time and then contact him to ask how he’s doing and maybe also ask if he can try to explain the reasons for the break up… Don’t give up just hope yet, and wishing you the best:)
Thank you.
Do you think it’s worth it to even attempt re-contacting? Or should I call this one a loss? I have been doing no contact since June 6th when he broke up with me, but I haven’t yet unfriended him from Facebook yet. I am contemplating that because when photos of him pop up smiling and looking happy I get sad again. I really don’t like that about myself at the moment.
Don’t pay any attention to Facebook stuff. It only serves to confuse people. If you unfriend him, he will wonder why or maybe he won’t even notice. Think about deleting your profile and putting up another one later. Yes, it try once to reconnect with him in the way I described in the previous post. Good luck:)