He left and immediately blocked me

I was doing long distance with a guy in the states, I am in Canada. I visited him at the end of June. We were having a couple tense weeks and we discussed in person that it is better when we are physically together. I apologized for the tense weeks. At this point he was a month into his new business so I think there was some stress involved as well.

Anyhow, we were hanging out and because I am TOO honest sometimes, I mentioned a male friend of mine who has been recently inappropriate with me. I thought it was ok to be honest and tell my bf that this is NOTHING and I handled the situation. He was upset because I didn’t block the friend (I’m not a blocker, more an ignorer).

The rest of the day was tense and my bf was concerned that I was developing a pattern because I do have male friends. He thinks I am not committed and just want male attention, which is not the case. I am very loyal. I have visited him and we even discussed our future (me moving to the USA).

Anyhow, tensions did rise that day and when we finally were able to talk more, I may have screwed it up by saying “I don’t think I’m good enough for you”. He starting ranting, and I got annoyed because he was repeating concerns that we have already discussed before. I like to discuss and move on, not dwell.

So eventually this lead him to leave me alone for 2 days in the USA. I was immediately blocked from all platforms and he got me a car to the airport.

Before I left the USA, I wrote him a letter and mailed it. It has now been 30 days since this happened.

I am writing because this is a unique situation, where he can’t see anything I’m doing on social media because he instigated the blocking ASAP.

Not sure what to do?? I am much better but hurt and confused because I think this was something we could work through? We were both invested in a future together.

Thank you in advance.

How long was this “relationship” going on? One thing I know is that guys hate drama! You introduced drama when you started talking about another guy.

He left you alone in the US for a couple of days and blocked you on social media. These are not good signs!

He didn’t answer your letter. So stop contacting him. If you do, it just adds more drama. If he wants to resume some sort of relationship with you, he will be the one to initiate contact!

In the meantime, date other guys close to your own home town…

Hi thanks for your reply. We were together 5 months. This does look like it happened quickly, but it was a lot of time on FaceTime and my first trip down there was planned 2 months ahead, we wanted to be as realistic as possible. He did mention drama and again, I was curbing a lot of other things. Mentioning a guy was really just me being honest, not to show off that I have guys in my life. It is a downside of my personality: honesty.
But I haven’t contacted him since, and it is tough. Trying to follow the workshop, but this is a different sort of situation since it is LD and I cannot get a hold of him.

Honesty is one thing, but some things are best left unsaid. You need to think before you speak and ask yourself if what you say adds value to a relationship. Unnecessary drama never adds value. Five months with FaceTime and seeing each other in person was apparently enough time for him to evaluate whether he wanted to continue with you and he chose not to… probably because he thinks the drama will continue endlessly…

Anymore contact with him will make you look needy and desperate. But if he initiates contact, do not beg for another chance!

I know you’re sad and disappointed, but again, better to find someone local.

Thank you