I keep writing s.th here but i can’t find it.
When you meet him tonight,be super attractive,super confident,calm and relaxed.
Tell him its right that you love him,but none of you is forced to make anything work.and if you wanted to make things work,it because you cared and if he doesn’t feel the same way,you understand it and you are sure that there are thousands of opportunities out there for both of you to find happiness.
Tell him you care about being good friends in a relationship so you can love ,understand and respect each other without arguing.
Say that you never want to convince him into doing anything and you wanted to make everything clear and if he thinks thats not working,you are fine with it and you respect his decision.
Be cool positive and confident during the conversation.don’t worry about anything.its not over.even if he says its not working he will contact you again.
Ok will do. I have one question for you…what is the theory behind telling him there are thousands of opportunities for us…I mean do I need to highlight that?
You are truly amazing a.z for taking the time to help me btw…I really think you are great with this stuff and I appreciate the encouragement!
That sentence shows that you are confident,you want him,but you don’t need him to be happy with your life, and he will know that you can find happiness with someone else.
Ok and how do you read that he is still communicating and is on the fence or resisting but still wants to see me?
Ok and how do you read that he is still communicating and is on the fence or resisting but still wants to see me?
Give him some time.
He doesn’t want to lose you.
Went over and it went better than I could imagine. We are fully back together in a committed relationship couldn’t be happier… Thanks again!
I’m so happy for you.best of luck
Not really sure how to take this…spending time with him and he is being quite unaffectionate… It’s like he wants to be with me but doesn’t come close…last night invited me over and the night before he came to my house…I had to ask him for a goodnight kiss and even then it was more friend like… Not sure if he is still confused or just has a lot on his mind…he’s not affectionate to begin with but trying to understand where his head is at…
How long was the break up?
Try this for a full week:
Be cool. Don’t argue. Don’t show any frustration about not kissing. Start giving him a little more space.
Without announcing it or telling him.
He should respond more to you after a couple of days.
Even if it’s a little stubbornness, after a few days I’d be affectionate. And not just make up sex. I usually aim to kiss as much as I can. But not every person is crazy affectionate and that’s OK.
But you said your sensing a “vibe”
Could it be:
Family problems?
He had a stomach flu?
Something on the news that affected him?
He should respond after a couple of days.
He has a high pressure job and it could be part of it… I don’t know…he’s distant. We had make up sex 3 days ago the day we got back together. He’s totally not an affectionate person but this is a bit different in the sense that he is colder then ever but yet wants to spend time together. I’m not getting upset but did say that I wanted a good night kiss and he was humming and hawing and gave me a pec. I didn’t push it and said goodnight. The break up was about 3 weeks but we got back together for a few days briefly in between.
Give him some time to deal with everything,be supportive and nice to him.don’t look needy.be calm and patient.always be cool,happy and positive.
Bigger problems then ever :(. So…we spent most of the weekend together and at some point Saturday, I noticed condoms in his bag… We don’t use them…and I’ve been dating him for a year.(I’m fixed!) I’m pretty sure they weren’t there before. He has asked me to go into his bag to get him several things and never condoms. I asked him about it and all he’ll broke loose. He said that they were in his bag before my time and that I crossed lines with him and had trust issues. I agree that I did not handle the situation properly but I was at least 95 percent sure the condoms weren’t there before. There still is that 5 percent…I told him that we have been apart and he has been distant and that my only conclusion is that he used confirms with someone else… After a night of apologies and begging, he said he was done for good. I eventually said… Ok. Sorry you feel that way and I’m sure there are other people out there for us and left. He had a surprised look on his face but agreed. I still am hoping this can be resolved. At the end of the day I need to feel safe and loved in a relationship and he wasn’t giving me that. I won’t contact him Snc will only see or speak to him if he comes back wanting this as much as I do. What do you think?
Hmmm stuck:(