He came Back-my reconciliation story

My ex-ex hahaha broke up with me January 10, 2015. If you followed any of my previous posts you know my background story.
Long story short I did the no contact-except to talk about our bills and things like that. He started contacting me January 24 and then January 25 started spilling his feelings and saying he made a mistake. January 27 He came over to talk and we talked about everything and decided to give it another go. He moved back in the next day.
Although things are not the way they were, hopefully in time it will get better.
My results happened very fast only took him two weeks to realize he had made a mistake, so if you truly believe in you and your ex’s love just let him/her come around. It all works out in the end. Good luck everyone and I really hope never to be on here again in the future. Thanks for all the words of wisdom and great advice you gave me as well it truly helped.

Good luck. :slight_smile:

Aw, that’s great! Best of luck to you!

Very happy for you and I hope it stays this way :slight_smile: I am on day 4 of no contact and its bloody hard tk not think of things. So good on you.

Good luck you 2. Great to hear a success Story. Delighted for you. This experience will make you stronger in the Long run. You did everything right from the start

Congratulations and good luck!

Good for you :slight_smile: glad to see someone getting back with ex.

Super! Take things slow and dont ever bring anything from the past,not even joking.

What Carmine said dont bring up the past my ex contacted me we went out and had the whole day planned and was going ok till I brought up the past and a recent discovery, she admmited that she went out of town with an ex I threw a fit and got out of the car In anger. she called me said nothing happend but since i want to act like a child I can forget us and im out of her and the babys life im devistated dont know what to do wish i never brought it up.

Congratulation! You did good job! :smiley:
Hope that our story will be the same as yours :smiley:

Good Luck @ This is success story and I hope everyone with serious intentions and efforts get there ex back.

LAbound and Patrick are amazing @ big round of applause for them…:))