He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick!

I just confirmed my ex blocked me from google plus and I feel just sick about it. How is there any coming back from this?? I am so devastated! My guess is then he probably does have me blocked from texts, e-mails etc. Please anyone with experience in this give me some advice. I know there is literally nothing I can do about it but seeing how hellbent he is to just cut me out hurts so bad!! Please help!!

Hey :wink:

Don’t worry about it too much. My ex blocked me on Facebook when we broke up the first time. After about two weeks we texted (she sent me an empty text, apparently “by accident”, lol). Anyway, she later unblocked me and we became friends again.

Until… We broke up again. Now I’m blocked again, but to tell you the truth, it gets better with time :wink:

Just try to be positive and keep working on yourself. In a way it’s better this way, because at least you don’t have to hurt yourself by looking at his profile too much.

This site has been very helpful to me, and it made me realize - if your ex starts missing you (and eventually he will), he will try to contact you one way or the other. And by then you’ll be a better you…

Don’t let it get you down :wink:

Also, read this article by Kevin on how to get him back when he blocked you.

@B86 yeah you are right … she removed me from everywhere and blocked me in the app we used to talking togethet from , now i think she unblocked me am not sure but even if she did or not i am still working on my self :slight_smile: 3 weeks NC and soon 4 weeks and she said nothing not even a text so i am just looking forward to it … if she didnt text then i will try to make a good step

Hi B86, thanks for your response. I have heard that that happens but right now this just feels like the end of the world and I feel hopeless. It feels like such a gesture of hate. If he has me blocked everywhere how would NC even work since he knows I can’t contact him even if I wanted to?

NC works because it forces you to focus on you alone. You will learn to detach yourself from him and realize that it’s you that should be the primary focus in your life.

Bear in mind, he probably blocked you as well because he’s feeling the same way too.

It’s probably best for the two of you.

The best way for now is NC coz its removing the bad feelings and the pain u having from the breakup …, its not only for him its for u to feel better and when the time come even if he didnt text u but u will be ur self and u can get him back

Thank you guys. I am trying to see the positive in this but it’s so difficult. It hurts so bad because I didn’t think he would actually go through with it. TBH I thought he would want to see the degree to which I would try to contact him, just so he could get an ego boost from it and ignore me. This makes it feel so final. I don’t know for sure if he has me blocked on other things like his e-mail or phone, it’s only an assumption. I just figured if he blocked me from something as stupid as google plus where he has next to nothing on there, why wouldn’t he block me from everything else as well. With these stupid blocking apps it is impossible to find out if your phone number is blocked, isn’t it?

It really is.

Don’t try if he did though… At least until your time in NC is over. Because at that time you’ll have a much more solid head on top of your shoulders.

He might be the one to call you back instead. But for now, you gotta put one step forward and put you first.

@ChrisLoveChris yeah those apps dont show how ever he app i am using i can findout if i made small group only me and her, if she didnt got added that means i am blocked … from 3 weeks ago she did blocked me so i started NC again and its the 3th week so i am going for 30 days soon and see what the result gonna be

@JeanValins what app is it?? I just want to determine the severity to which I have been blocked

@ChrisLoveChris it called line … u can see if he checked ur message or not and there is the trick i do to see if she blocked me or not

I can’t figure out how to do the trick - I don’t want to send him a message by accident. If I put him to join the group and it just says OK, and it says it invited him to join the group, do I have to press anything else? Also wouldn’t this just mean he doesn’t have me blocked on Line? Or he doesn’t have my actual phone number blocked?


he have to download it too … so both of u gonna use the same app … and the trick its so easy but he will know that u wanna talk to him tho

@JeanValins OMG. Well I hope I didn’t just ruin everything, but it appears he does NOT have my phone number blocked! I have two mobile phones and I downloaded Line onto both of them and did an experiment. Like you said, when I blocked one of the numbers and then invited it to a group, it didn’t come up as invited to the group. Well, when I invited my ex to the group, it showed him as in the group! But does that mean he doesn’t have me blocked on Line, or that he doesn’t have me blocked on his phone?? What is the trick so I can try it on my two phones??

Based on what I tried on my phones, I think he may have received a notification on his phone when I first installed the app saying that he and I were “friends” now. Which would have been really embarrassing. But the good news is if that is the case, he hasn’t instantly blocked me. Still, all the desperately trying to figure out if I’m blocked here or there caused me to have a near panic attack at work and then I cried hysterically all the way home. It has been a horrific day.

@ChrisLoveChris line is an app and u can add this person if the number still in ur phone or somewhere coz my first exgf added me even i dont have her number and i have no idea how she have mine … so on line if ur bf have it , it will show u in the Add friends part the ppl using line from the contacts in ur phone … however try to be in NC better for now coz all the worries will go but if u start contacting him now he might block u right?
So better keep working in ur self and forget a little bit about the breakup

everything will be fine

@JeanValins I am definitely not going to try to contact him on Line… I just want to know if it let me add him if that means he does not have my phone number blocked…I just want hope even if it is very small… :frowning:

@ChrisLoveChris dont worry when everything cool down , both of you gonna talk normal … so just NC for the time and chill :slight_smile: if u got worried talk to the people here or do jug . Play games . Or anything u wanna try to do from long time , its time to change :slight_smile:

@JeanValins thank you for having faith. I am so distraught. I made a big mistake and re-read the last conversation I had with my ex on text. He seems to hate me so much. He said so many times he wants nothing more to do with me ever again. :frowning: I feel like if he talks to me again it would be because of a miracle :frowning:

@ChrisLoveChris believe me … my situation is not better than yours … breakups all the same … its breakup but you the only one who could change everything by getting better … u r hurting ur self right now looking at the stuff in the past , after a week of NC i joined a group for art and i went to my room to get the board which is all my drawings in … i find an old pic i draw for my ex i start tearing and i was like what such a stupid mistake made me lose such a great person like her … after few i start making the story about us in the book and when i done i closed it ,. I felt much better after it , so u might do the same , do something make u feel better atm because u only need time to heal up … its amazing when u look to life from different angle