Have I blew it completely?

I’ll be honest, even though my ex has put me through hell at points after the breakup I still have strong feelings for her.

We went back and forth with short no contact for a month or so post breakup but always ended up back in touch even just briefly. I know she had strong feelings at one point and was obviously conflicted about the breakup.

Anyway, I found myself getting blocked on Whatsapp a few times. She explained that this was due to stress with work and that she didn’t want me adding to it due to the chaos of our relationship and our track record of always ending up chatting. I was annoyed but accepted it. Anyway I tried to reach out on Facebook a few weeks later and when she didn’t reply I made the huge mistake of messaging more. I apologised and decided that no contact was my only option.

Although now I’ve noticed I’m blocked on Facebook now too. To be honest I don’t know what to think.I know it’s probably a good thing for me as I don’t have the option of even contacting her. I’m trying to keep myself positive thinking that given our past record that maybe she’ll reach out eventually. Does it sound like I’ve blown it completely now? A woman’s opinion would be greatly appreciated

Hey man, I know what you’re going through. My ex deleted me of FB and even blocked me on Instagram and I know it hurts. We kept in contact a little but as of lately I decided to use the No contact rule. It’s only been a little longer than a week but I’ve realized that it’s been a little easier on me too. I don’t think you’ve completely blew it. She just needs space I’m guessing to figure her stuff out. Just like you should also. I’m not sure what the reason for the break up was but I feel like you you still might have a chance in the future as long as you give it time and she doesn’t hate your guts for doing something stupid.

Thanks for the advice. I didn’t really do anything stupid to cause the breakup. The only thing that has caused the blocking was me begging slightly post breakup then the mistake of texting a few more times when I didn’t get a reply.

I know this is probably for the best because it’ll help me complete no contact and give us both the space that we probably need. Don’t like the fact that it’s got so bad between us that she felt the need to block me completely. I have that part of me that thinks she’s doing this to get me out of her life completely so that she can move on, but the fact that up until a week ago she was blowing hot and cold means she’s conflicted. To be honest I don’t know what to do next

Just wanted to add to this a bit. Basically I’m confused as to whether she has any feelings towards me now whatsoever. if I knew she did I’d be more than willing to wait this out but it’s hard to tell. Any thoughts from an outsider?

I’ve heard of the concept of moving on without moving on but really don’t know if doing that in the hope of sparking some jealously would work. It worked once before from a night out and it caused her to reach out but can’t say I’m a fan of playing games just to get someone to message me. Help lol

All you need to know texting at the moment is not a good option let it go for one week and then try to reach her out but this time take her out for a coffee or dinner just be casual be nice and be friendly if she didn’t want to go out to do say it’s not going to take long time its only 30 minutes we just going to have a coffee if she accepted don’t to ever bring break up or how you feel only be nice and casual nd fun to talk with I can guarantee you if you did it right things will get better and after few days she will unblock you,

I know you can reach her out and think about how to do it and when to do it, don’t look needy or desperate or it’s going to rain your chances of getting her back, I know how smart you are and why I know that because you are here to fix the problem going in the relationship,

I know you can do it I have faith on you, I don’t know much about your relationship but what I know about mine it was worst kind of relationships but you know what after all the list bad of things that I have done she umblocked me and she talks with me most of the time but things didn’t get well so I did not want to get back with her however in ur relationship I know you can do much better, I wish you good luck