I’m going to try to get the point across in an easy manner.
We began dating in college about 2.5 years ago, but i had graduated and moved on to grad school. We were doing long distance for the other 2 years, and were able to make time for eachother and tbh, the time we got to spend together was absolutely awesome. She was planning on moving to me when she graduates here in a month or two.
Well, a few days before Christmas, she ended things and quickly moved on to someone else. That was about 4 months ago, and she seems to still be with him, but spends time facetiming me, playing phone games like Words with friends, etc., and when we do talk, it is kind of flirty and we spend the whole time laughing and enjoying our time. Furthermore, I don’t mean to be rude/crude, but him and I are, well, kindof in different “classes”. He always hovered in the background of our relationship, but I never thought of them together as even a possibility. However, as soon as we broke up, it seemed like he was right there.
I’m sorry if that sounded arrogant, but many people have expressed the same thought and I figured it may help to provide context.
Since we broke up, I have spent alot of time learning about what I did wrong and am now really prepared to right the ship. When we do Facetime, it lasts for a few hours and we really are on the same page. She doesn’t bring this guy up in conversations, but asks about who I am seeing and whatnot.
I’d like to see how I can move this forward because I really do want to spend our lives together. I can’t seem to get her to really believe that if we tried it again, it would be completely different and extremely healthy and successful.
If you need more information about the situation, please don’t hesitate to ask! I am trying to figure out where to go from here and any advice would be appreciated.