Getting my ex baby mama back?

Hey guys. First time poster here. I have a complicated issue, but I’ll try to make it as concise as possible. Met my ex about a year and a half ago, things happened fast. She moved in within 3 months, and a month later, she was pregnant. We in total lived together a year and four months. We currently have a 7 month old. I think she wasn’t over her ex though, cause she would mention him which would lead to arguments. I unfortunately, wouldn’t help because when I got upset with her I’d throw her clothes outside or get into arguments were I yelled. She eventually started running back to her mom’s with the baby, and would call the cops on me. At the very end, she left and took the baby (her whole family who used to like me, got involved, and now they also hate me)and went off to her mom’s. A month I was faithful and begging her to come back. After a month she two or three times asked me if I wanted to see the baby. I got excited. But whenever I’d mention reconciliation she’d get upset. Arguments broke out so I quit. Well one day I asked to go see her and the baby and she was giving me mixed signals about it. Eventually, I got the okay. We cruised, never went anywhere cause she said she wasn’t hungry. Eventually I was taking her back, and grabbed her cellphone (she leaves the vehicle after not being able to get it back) and eventually jogs home. I asked many times for her to get back in. Next thing you know I was charged with two felonies (which I did not commit, and am fighting in court). Figured out she had been cheating on me with two guys, possibly a third, when I read her phone. I’m currently on house arrest, until my case resides. About a month into the no contact order issued by the court, she contacts me, via two calls, and I did not reply. A few days later, I messaged, and she was pretending to be a friend of hers using her phone. Eventually we get to talking, and she seems very curious who I am with and what I am up to, etc. She talks to me on the phone a few times and seems nice (not mentioning reconciliation). Then eventually starts texting me accusing me of being violent, etc. Starts saying how terrible I was, and to leave her alone (by this point I was begging her to come back). I am confused by the mixed signals. I have recently reinitiated no contact. I know the situation is terrible and alot of you might think it’s not a good idea to reconcile with her, I know she’s the one for me and that we would be able to have a better life together if we could get past this point. I am an easy forgiver and see the best in a person. She is a grudge holder (says I threatened her life and she’ll never come back, although that’s not how things really happened). What should I do to get her back eventually? Am I in the right by re-initiating no contact? The first time it took a month for her to try. This all went down in September and it’s currently November. I wanted to marry this girl. Help.

Anybody? Please?

Somebody guys I need help?