Hello! Sorry for my english, i want to tell you my story from the other side. Me and my boyfriend had been together for almost 4 years and 2 years ago he asked me to marry him, and i said yes.
Long story short, 6 months ago i told him i want to finish the relation (maybe because i was scared of getting married again). He didn’t give up, called me, texted me, told me i’m the love of his life. I started ignoring his calls untill they stopped.
In the meantime i realised how right he was and how much i love him, but i’m afraid is a little late. I found out he’s dating someone else (he told a friend he’s trying at least).
So i want to ask you if i should call or text him or should i leave him live his life without me?
Call and tell him after giving it much thought, that you realize you had a fear of marriage, but you’ve changed your mind and still love him. If he can forgive you and still loves you, he will react in a positive way. Good luck…