Hi everyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To cut the story short, Me and my girlfriend is in a 3 year relationship. She caught me cheating through a picture. I denied it. Asked if i indeed cheated on her the night we reconciled i said no (made me want to puke-and mainly because of fear of losing her).Won her back and happy together for the time being. 2 weeks later (awhile ago) her friends found out the truth told it to her right before i could. Now she’s completely ignoring me and ofc i bombarded her with desperation.
Here’s the thing though, her friend told me through a text message that my girlfriend wants to let me know that “she gets all my text messages and that she wants space as of the moment and that I DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID”. I’m way confused if it’s a good thing or a bad thing and because of that im having second thoughts of starting the NC rule.
Please help as i can’t think straight and can’t study for the bar exams properly
You’ve gotta give her time. If I was her, I wouldn’t want to be talking to you either lol. She needs some space, and the best thing is time, time will make her forget what you did to her.
you need some time too to come to terms with what you did to her.
Today i’m going to start the NC rule, it appears to be the best recourse.
We had a long talk yesterday. She said despite it all she still loves me and finds happiness in me but she said she wants space to build herself up again to which im more that welcome to give. Made me feel like a low life scum because i don’t deserve her.
Well I won’t say you didn’t screw up and make a mistake because you did. But you clearly regret it and want to make amends so that’s the upside to it. It’s one thing to be remorseful but you can’t put her on a pedestal like that, it makes all your interactions with her seem like you’re begging for whatever attention you can get. You have to approach it as “well I made a mistake, let’s both act like adults and work past this together maturely”. Treating them like princesses only works in movies and TV shows most of the time, usually they don’t respect you for acting like that.