Former addict trying to get my ex back

So I’m trying to get my ex back and it’s a little complicated…
While we were first dating I was clean and then started using a few months into a relationship while hiding it from my girlfriend. I hid it for about 6 months and ended up going to jail was how she found out the first time. After getting out of jail and work release I was clean and doing well and got her back and we started dating again and eventually moved in with each other about another six months down the road. After we moved in she held a lot of the former actions against me, mostly about me lying to her about my addiction. Things kept getting worse and worse and eventually I slipped up and relapsed … I moved out for about a week and went back to the house to get some of my things and she assaulted me and I called the cops on her and she went to jail for the night for DV… We were working towards getting back together after this happen and then all of a sudden she changes her mind changes her phone number. She still talks to me on email and text but won’t talk to me over the phone and does not want to see me.

I don’t know why, all my past experiences I would have dumped her a long time ago, but I am so so in love with this girl. I still feel that she has feelings for me , but she is holding the arrest against me at this point, as well as my drug issues in the past. I need some help here on how to get her back because we have been broken up for about 5 months or so and I still cannot stop thinking about her, I think about her all day everyday I truly feel deep down in my bones that she is the one for me. I have even prayed on the matter and in my interpretation of things I have been shown signs that she is the one for me as well. So please help me with any advice on how I might go about getting her back into my life. Thank you


Maybe start attending “Addicts Anonymous” classes. Her being physically violent with you suggest that she might benefit from anger management classes.

Sorry to say, but to me it sounds like this was a toxic relationship and she’s a person who is not good for your recovery.

You seem like a nice person and I hope you’re doing and feeling better…