First Meetup with Ex since Long time of NC

Hello all,

My ex and I broke it off about a year and a half ago. The antecedent for the break up was just poor communication (on both of our parts) and I ended it poorly via a text.

We did not speak for 1.5 years and recently after NC I reached out to him to see how he was. We exchanged texts here and there for a couple of weeks. He always seemed engaged and positive and would respond and even initiate messages. After 2 weeks he asked to meet and “catch up”.

We organized a casual meeting at a bar/restaurant near me two days ago. I was so nervous going in!

We hugged hello and while it started out a bit awkward we eventually warmed up. There were many signs during the night that seemed positive. He made lots of eye contact and held his gaze a couple of times. There was physical contact (touching shoulder while speaking), there was mirroring of body language etc. He even made a joke and inserted a comment in it that referred to our meetup as a “date”

So now we are at the end of the “date” and he walks me to my car. He goes in for a hug and I turn my head to him and we kiss. I don’t know who you would say actually initiated but it happened and it WAS NOT a kiss you give a friend.

At the end he texted on the way home and said “Nice seeing you”. I responded similarly with “Nice seeing you too! Drive safely :)”

That was 2 days ago and have not heard from him since. I feel that I should now leave the ball in his court and allow him to follow up. I have spoken to friends and I get some that say text and others that say don’t.

I’m not sure what to do here?? Did I mess this up and misread his signals?!

How long were you a “couple” with this guy? Was the relationship mostly good? What do you mean by poor communication?? Were there any other reasons for the break up?

Ending via text is very rude if you were together for any length of time…

Since you were the one to reach out to him after 1 1/2 years, and even though he suggested a casual meetup, I think you should wait to see if he initiates contact. Give him more time to think things through and don’t become impatient for any sort of response.

The so-called signals don’t mean much. Stop obsessing about everything he said and did at the meeting.

If you want things to progress just reach out to him. Or you will regret it after. Remind him of the kiss being good…

Sounds like the break up was mutual. You both lived your lives for 1.5 years and hopefully grew emotionally during that time. So why wait…the physical attraction is there…where does it say that a woman can’t contact a man? A simply, Hi, how’s your day going? Means a lot to a person. Have courage…

What happened with this?