So yesterday I find out she’s falling for some guy she’s been talking to and I completely cut her off…I feel so miserable… How can someone do that be so cruel when I did everything right…I put her face and not once thought of myself or be selfish… I did everything for her except wipe her ass yet she tryna be happy with someone else…someone who could never love her like I do or take care of her right…it’s not fair at all…feeling so down and the worse part of it is I have no family, friends, no one Cuz of her…no matter what I do I can’t stop tearing up…
Sorry to hear that m8. Hope you are ok.
But actually you just gave us the answer yourself, as to why this happend.
You are giving up everything for her. No family, no friends, no nothing.
Girls want and alpha male who is exciting, yet protective of her. Not someone who will give up everything in the world and wipe her ass if she asks…
No contact ASAP!
Become an alpha male now!!! Show her this what the biggest mistake of her life and she will come crawling back.
stay strong. you can do this. im also all alone. lol its not fun at all. nice advice CreeD.
Hey man,
You’re in a tough spot, I’m not gonna lie. I’ve actually been in your place. My girlfriend and I had been dating since Feb of 2012, moved in Sept. of 2012 and she broke up with me April of this year. So after 2 years of dating, she broke up with me while we were living together!!!
I actually started to sleep on the couch because being in the same room as her gave me anxiety. Eventually things got better, but the road there was the most difficult thing ever.
Immediately after our breakup, she started to talk to other guys-constantly texting them and going over to their houses. She’d lie to me about where she was, but I knew. It bothered me to no end. But my ex was very odd. She’d still act like she was in a relationship with me (somewhat). She’d touch me lovingly, twice we accidentally fell asleep in the same bed. Her acting like this, gave me the strength and hope that maybe she felt what I felt and wanted me back. I was wrong-she led me on, but oddly enough, if she didn’t act this way with me, I don’t think I would’ve survived the rest of our lease.
I’m not sure what went through my ex’s head at all. I can only speculate. Purely based on her actions, it seems like she wanted me still, but there was something holding her back. She was always stubborn and she wasn’t the type of girl to go back on her actions. She wanted me, but since she broke up with me, she didn’t want to go back and erase that.
What I wish I had done right while living with my ex and the advice I will tell you: don’t EVER let her see you sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, mad, etc. Her seeing those emotions will only make her angry and spiteful towards you (at least my ex was). I can’t stress that enough. Act uninterested and be busy. She will still be interested in what you’re doing. Don’t treat her the way you used to, but at the same time don’t be cold towards her either. It’ll be hard not to give her a quick kiss or look at her lovingly, but refrain. However, don’t be cold. She’ll pick up on that and it’ll make her angry with you. Act cordial and polite with her. She’ll definitely want to know why you’re not devastated over the break up and it’ll spark interest.
Hope I helped. I wish I could go back in time and do things differently. I’m afraid my ex’s last memories of me were those in my lowest time. If I controlled my emotions better, I’m sure she wouldn’t be as spiteful towards me
Thanks guys and @esamuels you get me!!! As angry and sad that I feel ima
Take your advice it’s not easy…but I’m trying to contain my emotions and yet again thank you for your advice it’s good to know that there are people out there that have been in my shoes and provide support so I won’t damage any further what’s already broken!!!
Of course! It’s such a tough situation to be in. The main thing is not to let your guard down and don’t let your negative emotions show. You might think that being polite and cordial with your ex will make her think you’re totally ok with the breakup, but it won’t be the case.
I was out of town for a 3 day weekend and on the 2nd or 3rd day of me being out of town, she texted me asking how my vacation was. I ignored the text because nothing good would happen for me if I replied and I left it at that. I returned home to my ex with the same mindset of being over her, but still being polite, cordial, and even friendly. Her treatment towards me was super different! More touchy, feely, very flirtatious, and she seemed to be showing a lot of interest. We had sex that night (she initiated and I regret it now) because she got what she wanted from me and that was it. Don’t have sex with your ex. Nothing good will come from it. And imagine saying no to your ex. She is the person who thought you would never say no and now that you have, she’ll definitely wonder why. The key is to ignite curiosity and never act out when your emotional.
hey, hows everything going for you?