Our situation is this: neither of us really dumped each other, but our relationship ended in a huge fight just before holidays.
I didn’t contact her for 10 days, didn’t respond to her texts or anything. Only when she wanted to arrange my sstuff back from her place, I replied to her, to the point and calmly.
The next day, however, I placed a call to her. Chatted for about an hour and she seemed to hint about the idea of getting back together at some point.
The next 10 days, she contacted about once a day, basically following this site’s advice “N thing reminded of me about you”. We did this for ten days. Had another call, related to a family emergency on 7th day, which was again warm and she hinted that the previous day she was hovering between the option of asking me to a pizza or not, but didn’t dare to. With that phone call, at the end of it, as I was in middle of confusion, I asked her some time and space, for about 10 days, to think stuff through. She agreed.
I did full no contact after that for 12 days. Then wrote her a letter, following advice on this site, apologizing briefly about my part of the fight and hinted about changes in my behavior (which are true, gone through therapy) and new stuff I’ve started (two new hobbies and one old one restarted).
Got a text her today… “Otherwise I would have been delighted about your letter, but I’ve heard you’ve been badmouthing me around to people at Facebook. I hate you, you d**k!”
To which, I replied “What?! I’ve been on social media fasting since New Years!” (which I have) and said that IU simply wanted us to reconnect through fun stuff AGAIN, as I have lots of stuff and moments I would have loved to share with her during the past 5-6 weeks.
Note: I did mention our breakup in Facebook around Xmas, but even then, I didn’t badmouth her at all.
No reply.
How should I proceed? Have I messed up things already?