Getting Ex back
I would really appreciate any help at all. I will have to cut a lot of my story down but keep the main points.
I met ex in rehab and moved in with her fairly quickly. We had lots of nice times but also I got very depressed and I got asked to leave to my parents 2 hours away.
Unfortunately a week ago I relapsed and drank and the same process repeated itself and I find myself back at my dads.
I know that we are both quite damaged in some ways and I know the suggestions may be that it’s a bad idea but I’m really looking for advice if I were to get back with her. I know from previous relationships she doesn’t end contact or they always seem to drag out.
Her family cared for me enormously and were very sad when I had to go. They made me promise I would be back once I got myself sorted.
The first day here, I asked her if she wanted me to cut contact and move on. She said that’s the last thing she wanted but couldn’t see how I could get better. I did amazing for 5 days and each day she would message me asking how I am or asking for something. She said stuff like I wish I knew how I could have made it work and that she missed me. Yesterday I cracked and said I wanted to come back and she reacted very badly, saying it was too soon, I was very selfish etc
I tried to make her jealous about meeting a friend who’s a girl for support and she went ballistic and blocked me on everything last night. I apologised by email and she sent me a nasty email this morning about never loving me and me being bad in bed. I replied listing all the ways that I will always love her and also saying I now have to move on.
She has never not spoken to me in 24 hours in the last 6 months. I now fear I have finally pushed her away. What is the best thing to do? How should I leave it.
Thanks in advance