Facebook status woes

Hi there,

I’m a week into NC, and my ex boyfriend still has his ‘in a relationship’ with me up on his Facebook. Last year when we broke up briefly, he removed it instantly. It is still on a week later…I am probably reading way too much into this and holding onto anything and everything, but should i mention it or just remove it myself?

Sounds pathetic, but the fear of removing it is that maybe he is keeping it like that for some reason?

Dear Amy.
I know how you maybe feeling. Im pretty recent into NC too. Its my day 12. I just suggest that you keep off it. Obsessing over your ex is not speed anything up. I wont be a hypocrite. I too check up her fb page but all it does is make me anxious and if i get a slightest hint that shes missing me it makes me anxiius even more. According to my experience , nothing can be more traumatic in this life than a break up of a relationship ( not even death). So. This being the greatest trauma and we being the survivors, i suggest you stay off his page and statuses as much as you can. Because you do need to get over the emotional trauma. Not sure if this was helpful but hey. More you share your pain the faster it goes away. I wish you luck :slight_smile: lord bless you and give you strength


Thank you :slight_smile:
I do try and stay off it - i have unfollowed e.t.c…I think its just whenever I go on mine, and it still says 'In a relationship with ***" it gives me a bit of hope that he didn’t want it either? Im not sure :frowning: He’s been online constantly this past week (I know I shouldn’t look at it but I think this relationship status has got me curious/I could understand why he had left it on if he wasn’t online all the time), but the fact he has makes me have a glimmer of hope…

I must sound so pathetic haha, am clinging onto anything that might show he still wants to try us :frowning:

How is your NC going?

Day 13 feels like forever. I deactivated my fb and have not turned it on. Even messenger. ( i had did it countless times in days ago but im still off it) i went for a movie today. Felt all alone.
Either way. Hope is good. But if it is creating a sense of longing , then it isnt hope. It is obsession. Im much less obsessed now. I do get sad. Hell im sad most of the time. I saved her number as Ex(no contact rule) to help me remind of it just in case i get urge to call or she calls and i am about to pick it up. We are of course miserable without our better halves. But we gotta be strong. Become better. Stable. For good. For us and for them too.it wont be of any use otherwise
And no . You dont sound pathetic. I totally understand. Even a little glimmer of their love towards us gives us hope.
How is your nc going ? :slight_smile:

NC is going ok but incredibly hard, especially as he said he wants NC for at least 3 months, as last time we broke it after 3 months and got back together… I think he wants longer this time :frowning:

Yeah that’s true, I’ve hidden it on my profile now. Saw he was online today and it still says that I’m in a relationship with him, so he still hasn’t changed it. wish I was a mind reader! I didn’t know whether to wait until Thursday to contact and ask him about it but not sure as to what I woul say

I say shift your focus. Do anything. Go out .walk.movie. Yoga. Helps alot. Btw. Did he break up? Wait i thought i your post on ur break up story in reconcilitaion. Ill give it a read. I have mine one there too. Care to give it a read ? ( i know i sound “strange” as to put it politely)

Yeah course, sounds good and we’ll comment on each other’s ones on here!

So it’s day 8 and he’s still got us listed as in a relationship…I have hidden mine, but I am still tagged. Should I wait another 2 days and then ask?

Hell no. Whatever it is trust me it can wait. NC day 14 :cry: for me. I nearly broke my nc but its still on. Be strong. For both of urs sake

I miss her too. Its driving me insane. But we gotta hold on

Ahhh I feel like if I don’t mention something though I might miss my chance :frowning: it’s killing me so bad! It still says in a relationship with me :cry: and he goes away for 7 weeks in 2 weeks-what if o miss my chance? :frowning:

You think i dont wonder what my ex is doing? Dear one. This is the greatest fear we will ever have. And we gotta deal with it with harmony and patience. The more you contact him the more delayed is ur healing. Trust our love we have for our significant others. Dont stress out. A good man once said. Stress is the condition we start believing in the negative and doubting the positive. Just relax its good. Besides NC is primarily for you. And you need to heal. Besides he has been with you for four years. ( look at me. I even doubt if i was my ex’s rebound) its a long time. One cant wipe out such a long time in 7 weeks. You wont miss ur chance. If it still bothers you… Shorten ur nc to 21 days. If he contacts u before it, ignore him. And text him on day 22. If he doesnt, do till day 30. Try and stablize meanwhile. Like it or not but our loved ones are the source of our anxiety. We gotta lose our anxiety to get em back. So just try and calm down… For his sake and urs

That’s very true, I guess this relationship status thing is really giving me hope that he is unsure :frowning: I don’t know, I keep holding onto anything that might be a sign :frowning: I will keep NC, and see if his relationship status changes in the next week…