my ex and i are brake up for last 8 month she thinks i cheated on her and sure about it.
(i cant prof her wrong )
now the last month we start talking back together . but only when i see her in the street she even in the last few weeks invited me to her own place , now i dont know what to do
the problem is she was very nice to me let me hug her touch her and even let me lean my head on her,
today she called me to tell me we never get back and she just wanted to make sure i know this , and its not smart that we meet like this . i told her i dont know what she is talking about i didnt say anything about get back . and i told her if she dosnt like that we talk i can keep going when i see her and not need to talk she said no no , its ok if we meet on the street but now you come over and want to be with me i tell her you invited me , yesterday she told me she will make something for me but i need to come to her place so she can make it , she could tell me no, but she did and then she called me today and tell me i thought about it we never getting back , i dont want you to think we are its not going to change ,so i told her if she feel no ok with this i will no come over , so she said no if i told you to come its ok , i mean in the future ,
i dont know what to do??? so many videos on this subjacks says even if she say this its not means she will think like this in 1 more month or even more , but i dont know what to do , its makes me feel so bad i truly love her but its hurts me alot
Did you cheat on her? If you did then it will take a lot of NC for her to get over it.
Yes just because she says that she does not want to get back with you now does not mean that she will think the same in time. Also what she says and what she thinks can be different. My ex says that she does not see a future for us but I don’t think she believes that.
The best thing for you to do is to start no contact. This is so she gets some space and time from you and remember the good things about your relationship and not having your reminder her about the bad things.
thank for reply i didnt cheat but i can show her any proof that i didnt (sucks to be me)
we met yesterday and it was fun ,
i need to stay focus on our emotional connection .
i knew she gonna do it call me and say it. shes truly in self fighting ( emotional fighting - mind vs feelings)
i cant go on no contact for 1 reason we been no contact for 7 month , she do remember our good times,
her anger on me is now lower then it was ,
it will take time ( we all want it in one day but what can we do , if it truly wroth it then fight for it)
saw my ex yesterday told me she wants to run alone and listen to her music , took it hard but couldnt say i wasnt ready for it , friends told me to not think about it and let it go, and to see if this keep like this in the future
we been for 4 years after the brake we didnt talk for 7 month i only contact her 3 times each time she didnt want to talk to me , she “listen” to what i have said but i got toxic talk, after 7 month this month ,
we talked each time we saw each other we had great time but i think i got her confused she told me 2 times we will never get back , but in the same page she act like she still wants me . you can see by all the things i wrote . the last time i saw her 2 days ago she told me i want to run alone with my music i understand that something happen ,
now i know i need to act the same but it still hurt . when something bad is happen you only think the worse like what will be from now on.
this month was the best month from all the 8 month till now .
i only speak with her when i see her i didnt call her or text her .
today i saw her and we talked and walked together but it was only simple talk no feeling nothing ,
when we got close to her place she told me have a good evening and that it ,
this could be bad news too me but i still need to see how its going to keep up.
because i cant call her or text her , its only when i see her its most 3 times aweek and its not always like this its only when i see her ( now you say how can i see her well we do our sport in the same place ) . i might make her scared of this
i mean i talk about this with one of my family member and he told me its normal he said she did got close to you in the last few weeks dont forget that she didnt talk to you at all last month before that month so every thing is open, he told me as well dont forget you want this relationship not she, and more if you want her you need to be consistent and show her you there for her ,
now if she get cold like this for the next month then you need to think about change your thought about her.
but dont forget that one month ago she didnt even want to look at you .
the problem is its hurts that she now pulls away .
oh and he also said think about it like this , she scare that if she will surrender to be with you she will get hurt again , you need to show her by be there and act all the positive way to show her she can trust you .
i know hes right but how do i make my self strong as steel and not feel hurt?
You can still feel hurt. It happens all the time. Those are feelings that come and go. I think the deal is not to dwell on it, and if you catch yourself dwelling, try to reframe your focus to something else that brings you joy, there must be something right? Trust it. Dwelling on the negatives will leave you living in negativity.
Also, it might help you if you see her in the street to maybe not try so hard to have a conversation with her or get invited to her place. Sometimes just a simple “hey” and keep going with your day will do a lot. It interrupts the patterns she already expects from you. It’s not going to change everything overnight, but it’s a step in the right direction.
i saw her today after 2 weeks i didnt see her. we walked and talked , she told me to try meet other girls , she also bragged that 2 guys are flirting with her , but shes not interested in them , she acting real cold with me, i offer her help but she told me i will not ask your help we arnt couple , even as friends she wont ask .
last month she was so nice to me now shes cold and resentment,
she also told me she moved on , today i got the feeling i should give up .
i dont know what to do ?
i saw lots of videos of ex told to move on
ex said we will never get back .
ex said get lost in nice way
i feel she lost it all for me
and all of them say its ok and normal . what normal she truly act as what she say
any suggestion???
btw i wrote her today letter should i give it to her what you think?
dear (her name) i writing you this letter because i have figured that i have tried with all my power to let you know how much you mean to me , i know you told me not to have expatiation want i will say i didnt , but in some place inside me i hoped that you will what you mean to me , i am very sad that two people that have something so preaches and so matched wont be together, and it hurt me that you lay it out because you can find in your self to trust me , i loved you till now with out getting anything from you , only to spent time with you .
and all this because i truly believed this love can win. i guess i was wrong .
you asked me what make some one unique so its not they way he act or do stuff its the way he makes you feel around him and and the bond you two got .
i dont really know how you feel inside you , you where cold and distant but inside me i believed you knew what kind of love you had that no anyone can give.
the reason i write you this letter that no metter how much i love you and want to grow old with you i have to stop and think on my self for ones and cant hurt my self no more.
i want to thanke you for the 4.5 years we had , that was the best years of my life i enjoyed loveing you , give to you , and more see you grow to what you are.
i still think on the words you told me that some one told you you will never find some one who will love you as me , its kind funny you said this same words to me ones . and also where you will find some one like me , its shame you need to find when i am standing right here.
if you will ask me i think we could be perfect but again i need to think on my self again as i think on you.
there are so many things i can write to you because i didnt took this relationship for granted . but i hope that this final song i dedicated to you will show you how much you are meaning to me
the song
your the reason -calum scott
this song truly show what you mean to me
her (name) thank on every thing we had if good and bad i loved you on top off all and even when it was bad i loved you not even less.