It’s been a week since the breakup, his decision. The first few days were tough and the no contact rule lasted like 1.5 days. He’s been contacting me every day, calling and texting. I didn’t want to be the kind of girl who just lays in bed and eats junk food all day sulking over the breakup, so I joined a gym. Also, I decided to sign up for a dating website for the fun of it. Well there’s an option that allows you to see who’s viewed your profile. So to my surprise my ex joined the same dating website and he’s viewed my profile. The only control that I have at this point is to not view his profile at all. Am I doing the right thing? I don’t know what to do from this point and I do not know how to act? Please work your magic and tell me what to do. Thank you!
Ignore, ignore, ignore…
Let him use the dating website if he wants. He might have an idea that now he is single he will get tons of offers from hot girls. But we all know how it is with these websites right? Guys dont get any offers like we imagine… Only woman does. And he knows that. My bet is that he is freaking out more than you, now that he see you have also joined the site.
And like you said: You have the control by not looking at his profile…
It’s been 2 days since the final official breakup (this was going on for about 2 weeks but he finally confirmed the break-up, he broke up with me). I reactivated my dating profile on the website that we met on bc he told me to date other ppl. Two hrs after I reactivated, he reactivated his. It’s been killing me. We haven’t looked at each other’s profiles, but I did change my pictures. I’m so heartbroken. I don’t even go on the site to look at anyone, just mainly to see if he’s been on it. I feel sick everytime I see him on it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
We always seem to have an idea that the single life is so exciting and glamorous. But that is usually never the case. And when you think of him as a single guy and him being on a dating site, you are thinking the exact same thing
You a thinking of him having the time of his life as a single. New girl every night, happier then ever, tons of offer from hot girls ect.
I have been single for quite awhile now. And I have more experience in this than I like to admit. Single life sucks!! His single life sucks!
So take it easy. He is not having the time of his life either.
Thanks for the advice. My ex is active on the dating website. In fact, he’s on it right now. This hurts so bad. How can someone tell me they love me, then break it off when we’re fighting and things get too much for him, to reactivating their dating profile all in a span of two weeks? I immediately reactivated my dating profile the minute he told me that he wanted me to date other ppl and that there was no chance for us. I only did bc I thought it would be easier and quicker to move forward. Well it’s not. I have no interest in anyone. Honestly, I only go on to see if he’s been active. It’s clear as day that he’s moving on. Why does it have to hurt so bad???
i know how you feel.
Right after the break up my ex also did a lot of things that did not make any sense, and complete opposite of what she said. But now (6 months later) she is becoming normal again, and the things that happend straigth afte the break up no longer seem to matter…
We do many stupid things and things that doesn´t make any sense in siturations like this. Try not to read to much into it. There can be a ton of different reasons for it, or there might not even be a reason at all. Perhaps it is to ease his own pain, perhaps some friends has ordered him to do it and tell him it will make him feel better, perhaps he wants to explore his options, cold feet, he needs an ego boost, he thinks the single life is very glamorous (it usually isnt), you may have hurt him at some point and he wants to hurt you back, he wanted to see if you were on the site ect…
You get my point…
There could be many reasons, but there is no way for any of us can know for sure. He might not even know himself…
Take the high road my friend. Dont let him know this gets to you.
After some time when the break up is no longer fresh things will change, and he will become more “normal”