ANOTHER MAJOR UPDATE GUYS… so i wrote about how his new girl commented on my post and he texted me. I haven’t been involved with either of them nor do i want to. I don’t talk to my ex at all anymore, the only time i did was to tell him i’m sorry about his dog passing away and that i hope we can catch up soon as friends. he then replied saying that he doesn’t want to be affiliated with me as long as he’s with aylin and i said that’s fine just thought i would message you. anyway so back to now his now “girlfriend” the one he’s known for only 2-3 months and has only been with her because of her b**b size and to be intimate with her, messaged me this long message saying “Last time I checked, he’s my boyfriend and your ex for a reason. So think about what you posted and how desperate and pathetic you look. Get over it and start moving on, babe. I don’t even think it’s possible to become a rebound after you lol you were a mistake or rather a “lesson” from which he learned from and we all know that. Now he knows that he deserves so much better than you. That’s why he’s with me. It’s funny how my boyfriend moved on from you in less than a month even though you guys were together for 2 years. That really shows how bad those 2 years with you were and that he should’ve broken up with you a long time ago. He does not hate you btw he just doesn’t care about you. You need to finally realize that. Stay with your groupies and keep on getting used by different guys as you’re probably already used to after so many years. It must be really hard for you to find a new guy with your special condition but that doesn’t mean that you can hit up my boyfriend. Stay away. Learn some respect for yourself and others.
PS: He broke up with you so stop trying to associate with him. He’s mine. Don’t bother replying. This was just to put you back into your place.
Hope you have a nice rest of the day ?
Goodbye.” and i was in utter shock but all i could do is feel bad for her. she looks pathetic and childish. i then replied, ” Wow, thank you. I really appreciate the time and energy you spent in writing me. You went far out of your way to write a kind, considerate and compassionate message. Unfortunately, it doesn’t effect me love, I truly find this to be hilarious. You’re so irrelevant to me babe. You clearly have no idea who i am or who he is. Your parents would be so proud. Just goes to show what a classy girl they’ve raised. Grow up hun, this is pathetic of you… never will i sacrifice my class to even out with someone who has none. i’m walking away from this childish drama with my head held high. enjoy the gutter, ill be taking the high road. XO” and also turns out she’s trying to get at two of my friends but she’s been dating my ex for a month now…? lol. i don’t understand the purpose of her message when i’ve done nothing but mind my own business. we were each other’s first for everything how could he not care?? i will always love and care for him but i’m trying to move on and this obviously doesn’t help.
@mamateau - Glad to hear you’re moving on. He probably cares, but it doesn’t mean he wants to get back with you and he’s with someone else now. Ignore her and DON’T reply to anything he or she writes and delete or block, it’s that simple.
Thank you. I know to keep to myself and not fight back at this point. It’s just upsetting how I am being treated. His birthday is tomorrow and it’s such a touchy day for me because it’ll be weird not spending it with him. It makes me so sad and sickened that I’m not longer able to be apart of those events you know… I wish he would learn to grow up and be civil rather than be resentful and rude towards me. I’ve done nothing but try my best to move on and i’m doing okay but somehow he’s always popping up… it’s never ending.
@mamateau - I wonder what you mean by “he’s always popping up”? Anyway, special occasions and holidays etc will be hard to get through for some time. But after a while as you move on, you won’t be sad about them. Don’t contact him tomorrow for his birthday and continue no contact while moving on to a better place for yourself. Don’t stalk social media either. Over time you will be very happy without him.
Popping up meaning he is somehow always brought up in a conversation or ill hear that he continues to talk crap about me to everyone for whatever reason… or ill get a message like the one above from this girl he’s only known and been dating for less than a month… I don’t ever do anything to get involved with him or what his life consist of but somehow he or his actions are brought to my attention through whatever it may be. I have so many questions unanswered i’m so confused and upset but i’m doing alright. A lot better anyway.