Hi all, thank you for taking the time to read & hopefully offer me some much needed advice.
My husband & I were married for 9 years and he broke up with me 2 months ago, stating he no longer had any feelings for me & is no longer in love with me. I was completely devastated but told him I respected his decision (I’m a logical person & knew it was no use trying to beg him to change his mind). I moved out & followed all the steps & advice on this website & initiated a period of no contact.
I understood, after thinking on it for a while, that our relationship had become stale because neither of us worked on ourselves as individuals, we couldn’t communicate our hurt feelings to each other so they festered & built up, & I, in particular, lost my individuality & became a very needy person.
I worked very hard on myself & my issues during an 8 week no contact period (because I felt I needed that amount of time). My ex did not contact me at all during that period.
I went to meditation classes (to change my perspective & mindset & re-focus on the positive), joined a gym and got quite fit, worked with a counsellor on my dependency issues, met some great new friends & started going out a lot more (I used to be a homebody), got a new haircut & outfits & went on a few casual dates, and now have a good routine going where I am happy with the things I do daily & the direction my life is going.
I am at the point where I would like to consider getting back together with my ex husband, because I do genuinely love him. After this no contact period I also now know I would be ok if it doesn’t end up happening. I understand what went wrong in the relationship & have genuinely worked very hard on the things he had always complained that he didn’t like about me (& that I didn’t like about myself either).
So, out of the blue my ex contacted me two days ago asking for a short meet up. I had been thinking of contacting him, but since he initiated first I decided that was ok as I was in a good place emotionally. We agreed to meet casually for a quick drink (definitely not a date).
When I arrived I could tell he seemed shocked that I was so different, personality-wise & looks-wise. A few times he tried testing me to see if I had genuinely changed, like the articles said he might, but I remained very calm and collected as I really have become a much more positive, happy person.
He told me, without me asking, that he has been dating a few people & was meeting a woman he really liked for a second date after our drinks, to which I said I had assumed he would be dating & that’s fine because we aren’t together anymore. I talked about the new friends I’ve met & what I’d been up to, and some of the positive changes I had made in my life (because he asked why I seemed so different and what had changed). He told me it showed that I was genuinely doing well & that I looked great. We ended the short get together with a hug & I told him I wished him well. I thought I had left things in a good place where he might be curious and ask for another get together at some stage.
He was smiling & seemed fine when I left, however a few hours later I received a really angry email from him telling me that he felt ‘robbed’ that he had sacrificed so much for me during our relationship & that why hadn’t I ever worked on myself while we were together? (he never worked on himself when we were together either)
He stated he was incredibly angry that in just 2 months I had turned my life around, physically & mentally, & that the woman he saw today was the woman he had ‘fallen in love with’ so long ago. He said I had ‘stolen’ years of unhappiness from him & that ‘you should feel incredibly guilty that I sacrificed my mental, physical & emotional health for you’. At the end of the email he said that ‘I will always love you, which is probably why I am so angry’, but that he doesn’t want to have any contact with me for ‘quite a long time’.
My question is - what did I do wrong?? I worked very hard to become a better person who now has something positive to contribute to a relationship, but instead of him wanting to see more of me he is incredibly angry & now wants to not see me at all.
I’m confused why he is so angry when he was the one that asked for the get-together (after me not contacting him for 8 weeks) and proceeded to tell me he was dating and doing well. Was he angry because I was also doing well and dating?
Will he get over this anger & the hurt he has about what I was like during our relationship, or have I lost him for good?
Also, do I avoid replying to the email? or do I reply to offer an apology for how I was back then and the hurt feelings I caused him? I am worried if I don’t address his hurt feelings he will feel I am avoiding talking about the issues we had and my role in them.
What, if anything, should I do from here regarding no contact? Just wait, give him the space he has asked for & see if he contacts me again? Or give it another month & try the text message contact?
His email made me so sad after all the effort I had gone to to genuinely change my life.
Thank you for any advice anyone can offer.