Me and my girlfriend broke up about 3 months ago and I made a lot of mistakes by being needy and desperate after and she has been with someone else since but that is now over and I haven’t contacted her for almost 30 days so I’m here for advice on how I should end no contact or if I should wait longer.
@dougm112 - Since she broke up with you 3 months ago and then another guy recently, her mind is probably not in the mood to hear from you now. Yes, wait longer (another month or 2) before you contact her.
I wish I had looked at this before because I tried contacting her and she didn’t respond. Then oddly enough I ran into her in person and she said she didn’t know if she wanted to talk to me but that she shouldn’t so now I have to completely restart no contact for a couple months at least unless there’s something else I should do.
@dougm112 - Nothing else to do. Start no contact again and continue it for 2 months. Try to avoid “running into her”…
How long were you guys together? if it was long and meaningful you might have a chance again if you imply NC and improve yourself.