has anyone else stopped receiving emails abruptly? I mean the email series, not the worksheets. I used to get one every evening, but they’ve stopped, so I was wondering if this is supposed to happen?
has anyone else stopped receiving emails abruptly? I mean the email series, not the worksheets. I used to get one every evening, but they’ve stopped, so I was wondering if this is supposed to happen?
Hi Kevin
My ex called yesterday to tell me thank you cause I sent gifts for her both sons birthday … but she put past issues and trigger on me … I tried most of the part and then she said why I sent emails. From Mike fiore and brad Browning formula
She confused also she said happy with new chick and very seriously engaged even though she jumped in a new relationship within a a week…
She Said not to contact her … in this scenario what I can do
Please please advice I m very upset … Waiting two months and finally sent emails but result came zero
Yeah actually. I dont know why the emails stopped they made me so hopeful. Its been a few days since a new one came
I signed up for the mail list around one week ago, confirmed the subscription but never got anything
Does anyone want to PM me some of those mails?
I haven’t gotten any emails either! I signed up for them and nothing. I also took that “chances of getting back together” test and never got responses…I wonder what’s going on. I’m really interested in Step 5 (specifically that sample of the letter to send after ending NC)