Does no contact work! Help!

Does no contact actually work. I know every relationship is different but has any one managed to get back together after no contact? I’m finding it hard I’m scared that if I do no contact she might forget about me

you’re not the first one who said that and people stativ she will not forget about you because she spends lots of time with youto remember that so no contact work because it will give for you a space with her and she will think more and she will miss you more in this time you have to work on yourself dear good guy get a good hair cut workout in the gym and change your hobbies or do the hobbies that you like to do maybe playing some games are good drawing reading writing and other stuff are really good try to walk every morning and after 30 days things will be different try to speak to a lot of good people and beset of people so they can change the person you wear to a good person that ur ex deserve to be with

They need to make a new board on here about getting back together and if it really worked! That would be great and give everybody hope!

there are success stories and testimonies. there is a section of it on the site.

you have to realize if you follow his steps that you will either get better and move on, OR you will reunite with your ex. there is going to be happy ending.

YOU have to feel better and BECOME a better person.
Only that way you can get your ex back and KEEP her forever.

I mean yeah I understand that but also you have to think about during the no contact you know all your gonna do is think about your loved one and then have hope at the end that you two will get back together. You know after the time your hopes will be super high and then what happens if he/she breaks them again? Your right back where you started

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I always wanted to go there!