The past 2 months, my ex snapchats me daily, flirts, and sends stupid and random stuff, and some of it I don’t care about. I know he does that cause he still loves me, and he still does it. Sometimes he sends me 6 snaps with no reply from me, he’s done that twice. Recently, he’s text me (because I told him we needed to talk about stuff, and him texting shows he still cares for me/ us). I didn’t reply to one of his texts and he text me a few days later asking why and he got mad (another sign he cares). Recently, he’d been sending me selfies, random and stupid *, flirts. He sent me 2 selfies yesterday within an hour, no reply from me, and it just screams “I LOVE YOU AND I WANT YOU BACK”. He wants something (us back together) or me. Can someone explain this?
Have you done NC?
and obviously he cares about you and has feelings for you.
Yes, I did in December, I did almost 30 days, I think about 28 or 26 days
Either he is playing games and stringing you along. Or he wants to get back. It’s probably at the time to pick up a phone and call him and talk or ask to meet up. Discuss your thoughts and his thoughts on what you want moving forward. How long are willing to keep doing this without talking about it with him?
Have you done NC?
and obviously he cares about you and has feelings for you.
If you dont wanna have that talk now, i would suggest you to do another NC
can you look into my latest thread?
I just ignore him sometimes, I’m scared to bring it up, I always feel really nervous. The one time I didn’t, was when I apologized for how I was acting after we broke up. other people (not on this site, friends) have said that he’s doing all this cause he wants me back
Personally, if he was playing games, I don’t think he would snapchat me every single day with something stupid or random
Well you can continue to be in limbo for the foreseeable future or you can see what he is doing. It’s not fair you to be kept on an emotional roller coaster. He may just want to be friends with these texts while you want a relationship. He broke it off, but then wants to continue to talk to you. How is that fair to you?
I would probably rather ask why he is always reaching out but not wanting to be back in a relationship than continuing this pattern as you continue to question his motives
WEll, I mean it makes sense. His words mean nothing when he’s done so many actions that say otherwise. He contacts me, but that doesn’t mean I reply. I know him very well, and him constantly contacting me, with flirts, selfies, random shit that I don’t care about says he still cares. I told him we needed to talk last week (I was going to explain why I was so crazy and stuff before we broke up, but he doesn’t understand. Because he’s never gone through something like that). But I didn’t reply to one of his texts and he text a few days (or the next day, I can’t remember) asking why I didn’t reply, which, if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have asked. But he got mad because I said I fell asleep and didn’t think to reply in the morning. He got mad and just said “Ok”. I’m used to him getting mad at small things at times (it wasn’t often when he did, don’t worry).
And for the fairness part, I kinda don’t care. He can contact me, that doesn’t mean I’m going to reply. I don’t reply to most of his snapchats anyway. Sometimes, but not much. I can tell he’s trying to get my attetion
Its the right time to have the serious talk with him!!
Dont be scared. Dont let him mess with your head and feelings.
I’m nervous to do it, like I want to say it just to get it over with. What do I even say? We didn’t even really finish talking about stuff before. The last thing I said to him before he shoved his head up his ass was that I’m happy (which I am) and he said “You’ll only be truly happy if you move on…” I read that and thought…Oh yeah? I’m happy enough, don’t tell me what to do. And you say that, and said you’ve moved on and don’t love me anymore. For one, we were in a longish and real, true love, relationship, no way you’re over me yet (he said he was out of anger). And his actions say so much more than his few words.
Just like the quote “Actions speak louder than words”. And boy are his actions LOUD. lol
Use his words against him.
Tell him you want to move on and want him not to contact you.
But first ask him directly what he wants from you.
I can tell he wants something just from last night. Us back together. But idk. I swear what he did last night just screamed “I still love you and I want you back” lol
I meant fairness in a sense of what him texting does to you emotionally. Everytime he reaches out you question his motives about whether they mean are we getting closer to being together. If he doesn’t want that it’s not fair to you because it makes you continue to question and you will never be able to move on an start life without him… Hence stringing you along.
It’s been a few months now at some point you need ask the tough questions so you can know whether to move on. You can’t live like this forever questioning if he will com back.
Then why are you so nervous about the talk?
A couple weeks ago, I actually started letting go a bit and I shit you not, he was like chasing me, selfies, more random and stupid shit. When he text me telling me that I never tried talking (I told him through snap that I thought it was time to talk) I didn’t expect him text me. I didn’t expect him to care.
And @divjun idk, I just am. I’m a naturally nervous person lol
I’m getting this feeling, and it’s not him playing with me, it’s a gut feeling that he actually does want me.
Also, HE WILL NOT QUIT SNAPCHATTING ME. He’s sent 4 today already, I don’t mind it, just gets annoying sometimes lol