So it’s been almost 3 months since we broke up, I successfully got through the NC period and we’ve talked since, actually majority on his part. Our conversations were not standard I guess according to the 5 step plan, I could tell they were instigated because he felt sad and missed me, confused because I was acting like I was fine, we were talking for hrs over a few different phone calls but eventually it boiled down to these questionable motives of us being together again one day but for now we couldn’t, (he believes we’re in two different places in life right now), we agreed not to talk at all until we were fully over the other, no matter how hard it was for both of us. Since that though there was also one regrettable drunken encounter with each other that happened unexpectedly. But after that there hasn’t been anything, it’s been almost a month again of NC and I’m at a loss of how to do this. He clearly has called me out on the whole theories behind the whole 5 step plan stuff (acting fine and everything) so that’s not going to work. I guess I’d like to see what other people’s success stories are? Specifically for a long distance relationship cuz that’s what I had. What did you do or say to get them back or even to start conversation again? So if you have one please share so maybe I can strike up some inspiration for what to do in my situation. Thanks! I appreciate it.
Hi. I am looking for this too. Mine is long distance, and I feel like if we weren’t we would still be together. So I hope someone posts.
Yes, I also think that we would have been together if he hadn’t moved (which is sooo hard to accept).
Ya I’m having such a hard time accepting it because of the distance, especially because distance for us would’ve been over next spring. Did either of you try anything or what you could to get back together? Or did you just accept it from the beginning and are trying to move on? I feel like it’s so hard to follow these online guide things when it’s long distance.
We did long distance for three months but I felt like we weren’t communicating enough so I kept asking for more and was unhappy about it. Eventually, it got too suffocating for him I think and he gave up.
I think that our chances are slimmer because it’s long distance. But couldn’t hurt to try nc anyway, right? I hate it though.
Well, it has been only been 10 days for me. We have only been long distance for 2 weeks when we broke up. I had been down to visit, and the next day after I got back, we had been texting that day, and then that night we talked about a lot of stuff. Then boom, the break up.
I have broken NC. It was a week after, and I was just dying. So I sent a text and a fb message. I got replies to both. But now it is back to NC. It does seem like the distance is a barrier. The distance for us too would have been temporary because I was planning to move.
And I know that I freaked out about the move before it happened. And I wanted to talk about it all of the time which I know got really old. I do wish that I could have done some things differently leading up to the move and even during the first two weeks we were apart.
You are right. We aren’t losing anything by trying the 5 step plan. In fact, we are making our lives better. It is just so hard not to think about it.
I do have a success story. It isn’t mine though. This girl I knew when I was in college dated this guy, and then he joined the peace corp and he was going to be going away for 4 years. So they broke up because it didn’t seem fair to make her wait 4 years for him to get back from the peace corp. Then over the summer, she just stayed friends with him. He ended up leaving the peace corp because he couldn’t eat or sleep without her. Now they are married. I don’t know if that helps, but it is a success story.