I am a young girl, soon to be 21. I went to Mexico for two months this summer. Met a guy there (who is 3 years younger than me, he’s 18). My family knows him, they all say he is a great guy, blah blah blah.
Thing is, we started talking, we kissed a few days afterwards, and for the next 5 days kissed and held hands everywhere, until he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. He knew I’d come back to the States, but he was fine with that.
I came back in August. However, a couple days before returning, I asked him if he wanted to continue this relationship, even though it would be long distance. He said “we don’t lose anything if we try”. So, I agreed. By then, he had said “I love you” already and me, I fell in love for the first time in my life.
Two weeks ago, he started acting distant. He said he had no time to text or call, yet I would see his “likes” on Facebook. That honestly did hurt me; he sees his friends every day, so why wouldn’t he give me a few minutes of his days instead of them?
I did made him a “jealousy” scene, but not because I’m insecure about other girls, but because I’m jealous that they get his time and I didn’t.
Well, last Monday, he broke up with me. He said it was too hard to maintain this LDR (Long Distance Relationship), but if I went back again in December, we could try it again.
I got pissed off and told him I wasn’t a toy that he’d play with whenever he wanted to.
We sent a few more texts. The next day, I told him I missed him, and good luck in his life. He ignored my texts (through Whatsapp, so I can see when he read it).
He has not tried to contact me this past week.
I have him on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp. I’m not sure if the “No Contact” rule means deleting him off all social sites, since I upload pics and statuses daily. Not about him anymore.
Do you think he loves me? Do I have a chance? How can I make him want me, especially LDR? When I go back for vacation in December, IF he asks me out, does that make me a doormat if I right away say yes? Do I have to play hard to get?
I am in love with him, but I don’t know what to do to get him back - if he truly loves me too.
Thank you.