What do you think, do I have good chances to get my ex back?
-We were together for 7 months
-She said she has lost attraction and wasn’t happy with me (actually, she didn’t give clear answers, but that’s what I’ve figured out)
-She said she would like to remain friends, because she still loves me as a friend
-The break up happened 1 month ago
-I try to keep ‘No Contact’, but I’m in a group conversation with her on Facebook, so I must talk to her sometimes. But I’m not emotional, and I don’t do any stupid things, I try to treat her as a totally average person. And we don’t talk at all in private.
-It was a long distance relationship (5 hours of traveling), we met once or twice in a month, and we had very serious plans for the future
-She seems to be happy, and she says it was absolutely a good decision to break up (I’ve heard it from one of our common friends).
-Her behavior is very strange. She is often rude to me, but sometimes she is playful and happy.
-We’re both 17 years old, but as I’ve mentioned, it was a very serious and deep relationship despite of how young we are.
So, what do you think? Is there a possibility of being a couple in the future again? Do I have good chances?