Do I have good chances?


What do you think, do I have good chances to get my ex back?
-We were together for 7 months
-She said she has lost attraction and wasn’t happy with me (actually, she didn’t give clear answers, but that’s what I’ve figured out)
-She said she would like to remain friends, because she still loves me as a friend
-The break up happened 1 month ago
-I try to keep ‘No Contact’, but I’m in a group conversation with her on Facebook, so I must talk to her sometimes. But I’m not emotional, and I don’t do any stupid things, I try to treat her as a totally average person. And we don’t talk at all in private.
-It was a long distance relationship (5 hours of traveling), we met once or twice in a month, and we had very serious plans for the future
-She seems to be happy, and she says it was absolutely a good decision to break up (I’ve heard it from one of our common friends).
-Her behavior is very strange. She is often rude to me, but sometimes she is playful and happy.
-We’re both 17 years old, but as I’ve mentioned, it was a very serious and deep relationship despite of how young we are.

So, what do you think? Is there a possibility of being a couple in the future again? Do I have good chances?

Anyone, any advice?:frowning:


If you follow the plan definitely have a chance, but keep in mind long distance is always hard and it’s especially bad if you are trying to reconcile. She may feel happy now or she may be faking it, both are possible and you unfortunately cannot know. Over analyzing her behavior will drive you crazy, just understand she probably does miss you and have feelings, a lot of the time that’s why they ask to stay friends, to keep you in their lives. You cannot try to psychoanalyze her what you CAN do is control your own actions. Go as much NC as possible, work on yourself and follow the plan. Plenty of couples get back together but your chances will always be better if you follow this sites advice.