Do I have a chance if she told me she doesn't want me in my life?

I was good for 2 weeks of no contact after my ex-gf dumped me (reason being that I wasn’t empathetic nor helpful when she was going through a hard time with her roommate and moving), but couldn’t resist the temptation of asking her to hang out. I knew it was a bad idea, but I didn’t think it would hurt so much. Any way she responded saying that she neither wants or needs me in her life. We are both graduate students TAing for the same class so I have to see her weekly and put up a respectful front when I see her. Two questions. Do I have a chance after breaking NC and being told she doesn’t want me? How should I go about doing NC when I have to see her once a week for work?

If you were in the relationship a long time and it was mostly happy and this is the first time you were not sensitive to her needs, you probably have a good chance. When you see her at school or work, be friendly and polite, but don’t ask to get back together. Be patient and maybe she will reconsider.