Hey Kevin, Hey all.
To make a long story short I met with my ex last week Monday (8/12) to try to get back with her again after about one month after she told me we need to stop talking because her feelings had changed. So basically she wanted me to open up more and show her how much she meant to me by making us official (we dated for 7 months) but during the process we fought a lot mostly because we worked together and she thought there was other things going on. She had major trust issues from her past and so did I but for her, she wanted us to be official for security, and for me I didn’t want to rush into anything because I did that in the past and it left me getting my heart broken when that person cheated on me.
So ultimately in August she said she still loved me but was no longer in love with me and that her decision was final. I did all the wrong things in August because I realized I was losing someone really genuine and authentic so I fought her almost everyday to change her mind but since I was leaving the job at the end of the month I decided to let her have time to think about thinsg since we saw each other every day and a break would give her time.
So I found this guide and immediately implemented the NC rule, because I was miserable and about 9 days in she contacted me for my bday with a warm and heartfelt message and video. It made me sad and reminicient of what we had and all the good times we had. We talked almost everyday through text but it was strictly on a friendly basis.
I met up with her a few weeks after then to give her a promise ring I had bought her to try and get her back, but she said she couldn’t accept it at all and her feelings were still the same.
I was shocked and hurt because I thought there was no way she would say no but then it hit me that I need to let her breathe for a while. And since I never really made it more than 10 days of NC she really wouldn’t miss me too much.
Long story short I found out from a friend at work that she is actually in a long distance relationship with a guy she met on vacation in FL in August. And I blew up and met up with her last week about it. I was calm cool and collected during the meeting and she told me it was something that happened after I left and in September when we were no longer talking. She told me she isn’t the type of girl to go back to her ex at all after she made up her mind but also said, “you never know what could happen months or maybe even years from now”.
It hurt to know she was in a rebound already but we were extremely cordial and friendly toward one another. We laughed hugged and said goodbye.
So I once again immediately implemented the NC rule again and she texted me a meme last Thursday, to which I responded with an “LOL” did I break NC? And do you guys think 30 days is enough in my case? Some days I think it will be but then i sometimes think 60 would be better. As the days go I no longer have a sinking feeling in my chest and I am working toward being a better me, applying for great jobs and hitting the gym everyday. But of course she is still on my mind every single day! Thank you in advance!