Well, my ex broke up with me a month ago, we lived together and one day he just left.
We work together and we share the same circle of friends so I see him every day and I have no idea how NC could work in this situation.
While we were together I experienced some hormonal changes which made me clingy and desperate and jealous, he got tired of me real fast and left. Ever since we have slept together twice and he says he stil feels something for me, but that he is in a good place right now and doesn’t want to come back ever.
Also, last night one of is friends uploaded some pictures of them hanging out and a picture of my ex hugging a girl from work, I think it was meant for me to get jealous or something like that because I am positive he only has a polite co worker kind of relationship with her and the pictures looked extremely posed and forced.
Now, he is distant and I don’t know how to reach him or what to do for him to look at me the way I really am. I am going to the psychologist and am working on the issues that made him leave me.
How long did you live together? He broke up with you only a month ago, so you have a lot of work to do to improve your thinking and behaviors. You’ve probably already apologized and maybe begged a little, so not much to do for now except continue therapy. Listen to the advice of your therapist and incorporate it into your life. Also if you haven’t already done so, let him know you’re determined to improve and that you’re seeing a therapist. Good luck…
I would unfollow, not unfriend, but unfollow the friends he hangs out with a lot and him too. just so you don’t see any notifications about your ex. Continuing NC is the only chance you have in getting him back. You need him to make him curious about you. Make him miss you. usually that will make a person reminence the good times. you can do this! Just go out and enjoy life! Pick up new hobbies and meet new people.