Depression stole my relationship

Hey there!

My situation might not fit too well into this forum, but I figured it’d be worth it to see if anyone had experience with something like this.

So, long story made (kind of) short. Me and my girlfriend recently broke up after being together for 1 year and 2 months. We were in a so called LDR (long distance relationship), and visited eachother 6 times during that period, each visit being for about 2-3 weeks. Anyway, we got together during summer last year and that was probably the best summer I’ve ever had.

However, a terrible incident happened around the end of the year. She lost her father, and after that she was never the same and happy girl I came to know when i first met her (for obvious reasons). I did my best to support her through this very tough period, but noticed she got more and more distant as time went by. During my last visit she told me she was struggling alot, and burst into tears when she told me her feelings for me had disappeared. That was almost 2 months ago. I told her I’d be there for her and support her all the way, and that I did to the best of my ability.

However, a few days ago she said she couldnt go on anylonger. That she couldnt be committed to a relationship cause of the depression she was in. The thought of being in a relationship without feeling anything for me brought her down, and even more so by giving me false hope of being able to see eachother again. We decided to break up, as it seemed like the best thing to do for her right now.

Obviously I want her back, but as of right now she doesnt seem ready for a relationship. I’m kind of lost, and don’t know what I should do. Should I just keep trying to support her, and hope her lost feelings will return when she gets better? Should I eventually attempt a NC? (This seems really cold, all things considered…)

Thanks for reading!

I’m no expert, but I would maintain some contact. To let her know that you are there and support her as a friend. I wouldn’t pressure her about a relationship. The loss of a loved one can really mess people up, especially if they were close with the loved one that passed on.

I agree with SuzyLou. Maintain some contact. It could be that she never actually lost her feelings for you, but her depression is making her feel that way. It’s just something she needs to work on and hopefully with some time she’ll get better. I’m in a similar situation with the whole being depressed thing, but my issue is my ex was the one who wanted to break up. Though it sounds like with your ex she’s at least trying to figure herself out and work on it.