Day 23 of No Contact - I'm waffling

Hi everyone,

I’ve been reading your posts and have come across some great tips and advice, so thank you. I’m on day 23 of no contact. When I started NC, I was 100% sure I wanted my ex-fiance back. We had a very loving and passionate relationship, but we also fought constantly. We are polar opposites…extremely attracted to each other, we had the time of our lives followed by huge fights followed by falling in love again and up and down, over and over for 3 years. I’m not sure if anyone has seen the movie Hancock, but it’s like that. We felt so intensely for each other that we realized that we just can’t be around each other. So, we broke up. And I miss him terribly, I really do. I love him more than I will ever love anyone - I do think he’s my soulmate, but he drives me crazy. And after 23 days of peace and quiet, I’m wondering if I should find a calmer (maybe less exciting) relationship for myself. Has this happened with anyone else?

I think that is kind of the same for me. It took me a long time to realize this though. My ex and I had a very up and down relationship as well. When we first broke up I was absolutely committed to getting him back. I spoke to him a few times after NC and he told me that we could meet up at New Year’s to see how we were feeling about one another and give us another go. I believed him on this, and continued working on myself. Then I found out that he was with someone else. This broke my heart. He came round to my house and we fought about it. It was only after that I finally began to let him go. I’m not contacting him at all anymore, and if I ever do it won’t be until a few years for now when I’m not feeling so emotionally attached to everything. I love him with my whole heart but I’ve accepted that things just weren’t right between us and I don’t know why I held on to it for so long. My life feels so much lighter now and I look forward to the day when I can put him behind me once and for all and embark on a new relationship with someone else. :slight_smile:

Oooh and yes, I admit that my ex relationship was very exciting, but it wasn’t exactly healthy and I’m so glad that I’ve finally come to terms with that fact!

Yes! Scatteredtracks, I know how you feel. I love my ex so much, but our relationship was not healthy. I am yin & he is yang. For a while, it was pure bliss, and both of us have admitted that we probably won’t be struck with that kind of chemistry again, but it was madness toward the end. I don’t usually pay much attention to astrology, but a friend of mine did our charts and I am a triple-air sign and he is a triple-fire sign. So I guess that’s bad. But anyway, good for you for staying strong and not contacting him. Enjoy yourself and your life, and if he’s meant to come back into it in the future, he will. But hopefully, you will meet someone even better!!