Day 1 of NC..start over. Freaked out. PLEASE advise

Yesterday was very hard me. It was mine and my wife’s 1st anniversary. Prior to this I was on day 19 of NC. I mailed her a card. (she asked me to move out Sept 4th) She never said anything about the card. I called her yesterday morning, in hopes she would answer…but she didn’t. I left her a voicemail. Still haven’t heard anything from her. She only texts me when it comes to our mutual bills, that’s it. I have tried NC several times, and its hard because she is my wife. Need advice please

I have been checking her FB via my uncles page, bc he and her are still friends. She doesn’t have me blocked, she just deleted me. She was tagged in one of our mutual friends, who is female, and they were going to a Halloween costume dance. My wife was in a picture dressed very sexy. Today she changed her profile picture from what was her and her brother who passed last month to a selife of her face, in a room I don’t recognize. She is wearing her hair different now, her bangs now combed over to the side, shes wearing more make up than usual. Shes smiling, nut to me I know my wife, she doesn’t look happy. I see a guy that liked it, who wasn’t her friend before when I was on her friend. I check him out, and he’s 28 he is in recovery for some sort of addiction, and he is also friends with that mutual friend of mine and my wifes, who posted the pic of my wife. Well I guess she met him at the dance? I am in total freak out mode right now. PLEASE some one advise. I do not want to lose my marriage.

Bro your wife is doing everything you should be doing. Stop acting like the chick in your situation, it ain’t a good look for you. Back off and give her the chance to change her mind about you. She doesn’t find your stalker attitude atractive. If you want to get her back, you gotta prove to her that your out of her league. Start actually approaching women and going on dates. Don’t expect them to put out or anything. Just try to be confident in the masculinity inside yourself (dont go overboard) and have some fun. Go to a strip club. A lap dance is $20. Get some perspective. You put your wife on a pedestal so high that she knows shes better than you. Rip that stool out from under her and squash that shit Now! Show her that you’re not just a new man but be The Man! Then she’ll realize she effed up and you’ll have all the power.

@jrfx87- Thank you, I see what you are saying. So I just do the NC, focus on myself. Do you have any more examples of how to get the power back.

This is so hard. Technically since I had to start my NC over bc I mailed an anniversary card, I am on day 3 of NC. This is so hard. My uncle told me last night that my wife changed her profile picture, and proceeds to show it to me. Its in a house I don’t recognize and my wife just looks so different than when we was together. Its like she is making it a point to look different. She is wearing her hair a different way, had it lightened(she’s a red head) and is wearing a shirt I haven’t seen before, and is wearing more makeup than usual. She got a lot of likes on the picture, a few guys I see that she recently added since she deleted me as a friend, but didn’t block me. I noticed she also made her friends list private, which wasn’t like that before. I am so confused. She doesn’t communicate with me at all, unless its about bills, Shes said since the end of August that she was going to file the papers as soon as she got the money, here it is November. Shes working 2 jobs just to pay the bills, and I am dying inside knowing I want to be there with my wife and help ease her life. I see a few positives along the way, like my picture being back on the fridge, her not selling her rings, her still having my family on facebook, and her still occasionally texting my mom. She is the love of my life and I just want her back, she is my soulmate.