
Hi, so my ex girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for a while. The thing is we broke up and I know she does love me but she can’t do much that’s cause she has messed up her grades and we’ve fought a couple of times during the relationship. I did do the NC but I’m not sure what to do now… You see now I’m trying to increase the frequency of our texts but then since it’s a long distance relationship I can’t meet her anytime sooner so she could talk about what went wrong before. The truth is I love her I know I’ve been stupid over the past I’ve accidentally become needy, desperate and possessive in some ways and surely I did understand where I went wrong. But now when I do talk to her I can’t talk like before she does take her time and text me back later on which gets me upset because I try to talk to her but she’s just busy I guess… I’m not sure what to do.

Don’t text her too much as she needs time to study and get her grades up. You don’t say how long you were together? Arguing isn’t good. How did you display neediness and possessiveness? Long distant relationships are very difficult to maintain and most people don’t want long distance partners.

It’s much better to date local people.

Yes, sure I do understand that. Well we were together for 5 months. I know you probably must be thinking that isn’t so long… Well yeah I get that. We both do really have a connection you see, when I first met all we did was talk, talk and talk. We were so close the 5 months felt more than a year to us. We did take things slowly but we kinda broke up over her parents not being satisfied with the whole dating and when she did have a hard time she decided to break up with me. I might have been needy and possessive in ways such as well when she was having her vacation she was quite busy so I couldn’t text her a lot… Maybe I was slightly angry but I do understand that she was busy. The truth is after being with her so long not once she complained about the distance, she did say that want to see me and stuff but I did comfort her when she needed me. She loves me…but then I wish things were just normal because it affects both of us equally and trust me the reason I want to be with her is because I couldn’t really find flaws in her it probably must be because I was madly in love with her and so was she… So yeah that’s why I’m confused. Right now she needs time to think about this us getting back together but then I just hope she doesn’t change her mind because I’ve really changed and I’m completely ready to be that person she once saw me for.

How old are both of you and how far apart?? How many times have you met in person?? What were the arguments about??

Expecting her to text while she’s on vacation is silly and I have a feeling you’ve always texted her more than she texted you, then you were unhappy if she didn’t text back immediately. This is also unrealistic as people do get busy and have other things to do such as study etc…

Not seeing flaws after only 5 months of long distant sounds right as it takes time to get to really know and understand someone even though they live close and see each other frequently.

Well, we were really close… I am right now 18 and she is 17. I get that it’s too immature to love someone so much. The truth is maybe your way your calling love was different but it was special to me because for all I cared about I treasured her happiness more than anything else. She couldn’t be with me because her parents think it’s wrong to date at that age. I get that, maybe just like how everyone tells me to get over her I could but she wasn’t some fling to get over that easily… She does have feelings for me but she can’t do much. It’s stupid yes I get that… Maybe I’m to young to fall in love easily. She wanted us to be friends but later today I said I couldn’t because these feelings rush back to me. I will never know what the future holds, neither do I dwell in my past but yeah she does mean a lot to me because for all the reasons I loved her I can’t love another women with those reasons. Now I guess I gotta wait… She told me 21 is the right age. I guess I’d try again if I still hold those feelings… Because the truth is I will never know what role I play in her life right now. I guess time will reveal everything. Thank you Patricia!! Oh btw…it’s not like I can’t see her again. I’ll be going back to her place to study let’s see how things go. The truth is I love her not cause she seemed like a different girl it’s cause she was more than just a simple girl. She is more than what my words can describe… So let’s see what the a few years hold. Que sera,sera.

Okay pardon my grammatical errors ?. It doesn’t happen a lot.