i think what you said about the power thing is good. Usually stuff like that is not good obviously, but in this case when you take the ball out of her court she has to live with the fact that its now on your terms too and your not desperate anymore and that should work wonders. Once again you and i are in very similar situations. because i was very good to my girlfriend too and i think one day shell understand that. But hey we can’t wait forever right!?
NO we cant wait around, no matter what. I wanted to have kids with this girl and marry her. We talked about this all the time. She wanted too but then she up and breaks my heart? She needs to come to her senses. I hope as i write this, she feels as bad as i do right now. How can she just do this to me without even trying to talk things through with each other before deciding to break up with me? We were great with each other. She told me in the car that day(when she broke up with me) that “she will never be the girlfriend i want her to be”. If i wasnt so blindsided, i would of been able to tell her that she is completely wrong. That I wouldnt of done half the stuff i did for her if she wasnt the one for me. I really hope she decides to contact me soon. I need to get this off my chest.
Also Kevin if can give me an insight on this whole situation, that would be awesome. Thank you
Can someone link him to this Thread? cant figure it out =/
jared ur preaching to the choir man. I loved her and she talked about that stuff too with me. never communicated she was unhappy (couldn’t have been unhappy too long i know that for sure) and just ups and breaks my heart out of nowhere. now I’m thinking the same thing as you man. She needs to come to her senses. And i can’t make her. She has to realize on her own. One day she will realize what she lost (hopefully sometime very soon as I’ve been in no contact for 2 weeks now). She had a couple of tiny problems with me and i said i could fix them but i guess she was too hurt to understand that at the time (breakup happened a month ago). She said shed always care about me… and we were each others first loves. So i think shell regret her decision. As i think yours will too! good luck my man
You too man, hopefully we can get through this. I know we both want them back, just hopefully she feels the same way when she deciedes to finally contact me. Ill give any updates as they come up.
The 2 things killing me about this is NC and thinking she’ll be gone for good
I feel ya man. This is something i thought would never happen. I am still so in awe after 2 weeks now. I really cant believe it. Just keep the NC and see what happens. We gotta let them miss us. I never did much wrong in the realtionship, what could she possibly holding onto?
The pure mystery of the whole thing is what eating me alive inside.
She contacted my mom today about the phone i bought her and my mom said she sounded really depressed and sad on the phone. I know she said she would contact me, but what if she is really waiting for me to contact her? To fight for her. Im not sure. She could just be feeling as crappy as me right now and still thinking things over. I just want this to be over with already!!
well she might be sad and depressed. but it was her decision. if she will reach out saying; we need to talk , i think i did a mistake" then yes she probably feels like you do. if she doesnt then let her be and really reach out after 30 day NC. if she will want to be with u again the letter will melt her heart.
patience my dear. getting back an ex can take a lot of time and effort. but first …you have to be first. this NC is more about YOU and your improvememnt and less about how ur ex is and what she is up to ad how she feels. okay ofcourse i was thinking about him all the time but get occupied do things that make u happy go out do things enjoy life.
Ughh i know it is. Its so difficult working on yourself when the happiest ive been ever in my life is when she was in it. Did you read my story @tami420?
I feel as if my soul stayed in the car that day with her. I literally will not be thinking about her at all. Completely doing something else and all of a sudden i get this overwhemling pain in my chest. That i have to stop what i am doing. I dont know what it is but its like my heart is giving out on me sometimes. Its like losing my soulmate. I really dont know why she did this to me. It bearing a hole in my life. I feel that if this doesnt surface soon, i will have to seek help. I am so scared. Im haunted by the fact that i will never lay my eyes on her again. That i wont be able to feel her kiss or the warmth of her body next to me ever again.
Jared please try to keep calm and don’t let this take over your mind. I know how it feels. Just think you will bare it for the next thirty minutes. And then another thirty. And then just today. Then I started making goals like, I am gonna be with a mutual friend so I will see what she has to say, and I will bare with it until then. Then when I talked with her it was actually good, she encouraged me. So it got easier. And I would talk to friends and he actually messaged me a couple of times in the first two weeks. You have to find something to make yu feel better and keep going. Don’t think those things. Be positive. And if you were a great guy to her, you don’t have to worry that much. Let her be and go out and get drunk. She will be bored after awhile I am pretty sure. Go no contact for a bit, regain your strenght and confidence
I try so hard to do other things with friends and stuff as much as possible. I try to keep my mind off of her, but the pain always comes back. She broke it off feb 21st so i just hit my 3rd week. I thought it was suppose to get easier. It feels like its just getting harder and harder like my body is rejecting life itself as time passes. The only time we txted was for her phone that i got her. We never actaully “talked” yet so i feel that we havent broken NC.
Andd the txting was literally one txt and then of course what she txted me out of the blue that i mentioned earlier in this thread.
i can relate man. 2 weeks and 2 days into NC, a month and 2 days after our breakup and yesterday was one of my hardest days yet. I can’t quite understand it. But we have to let them comeback to us and realize they made the mistake, we can’t make them realize. In my case i treated her really well, But she’s kinda naive in what a relationship is supposed to be so it may take her a long time to understand. But i have to let her come to her own conclusion anyways. And it seems thats what u have to do too
Im tying my best man. One day at a time. The pain will slowly go away i hope. I wish us both luck
i wish us the best of luck too
Day 17 broken up, 8 days since contact from her telling me she will reach out to me when she is ready. Each day goes by, trying to make the best of everything. Keeping my head in my job, trying to find something to do when i get home lol. I know i can be confident when we finally talk and try to work stuff out if she wants too. People i talk to actaully tell me they are proud of me because i really havent broken NC or made any deadly mistakes. That is terribly hard to not txt or call your ex after the break up. Yea its eating away at me, but i will manage. Each passing day makes everything come in perspective. I truly believe down deep me and her are not done. That this is kinda a “hiccup” in our realtionship and all that we need to do is get through it and make myself a better person from it and so does she. That with this time away from each other, makes our relationship even stronger. How is everyone today with their NC? Love to hear
Anybody around today?