Hello Ironblood,
Yeah, I’m so sorry.
It is what it is for now. She is not reaching out, and that has to be respected. Omg, I know how hard that is since most of us here are going through it… And that it why we are here.
When we are in love, we do a lot of things on implulse and later realize we’re foolish for doing it.
You know how hard it is for me that my ex never came back and he never fought for me? Somehow I am jealous of some of the (ex) couples here who try to save it. When he broke up with me, that was it. I never begged, pleaded. I had 2 moments of weakness though and contacted him. He responded back with no enthusiasm.
Her keeping your pictures on IG is still consolation she cares for you. I do see a lot of broken up couples who keep old pics of them, though. Believe it or not, my ex and I have not one picture together. I don’t know why. Maybe we thouht it wasn’t a big deal. I for one am insecure of my looks. I regret not having any for us to look back of our time together.
I also get the hairs and clothes thing. I clean a lot so my ex’s hair is nowhere to be found. Lol but he left some clothes behind and i have 1 shirt by my bedside just folded. I miss his clean smell all the time.
If you are expecting to bounce back fast, it’s not going to happen. And it’s ok. About the friends situation, I understand that too. all my friends are married or single parents. I don’t go out either. My BF was who I had. He has a group of friends though. I honestly think he prefered them than me.
In the meantime, don’t do anything drastic to drown the pain. You’re not the type any way. Some of them say to “show” them you’re having a great time without them. Will that make you feel better? If you truly want to do things, do it for you.
Her liking those types of photos on IG, I won’t read much into it. But in my case, if I did that, to me it’s I don’t see myself being married at 25 with 2 kids. At 41 years old, that is not something I would do, though. Lol! I am not on FB as much. My ex on the other hand continues to post non-stop on his political views. He’s always been passionate about that. I’ve seen a few of his friends posting videos of them doing stuff. He seems to be doing ok without me.
I say, still do greet her in her birthday.
Also at least you realize you don’t want her to be unhappy. This is cliche, but as they say, if you love them, set them free. If they come back, it was meant to be.