can i wish him happy birthday

I thought I’d asked but I don’t think I managed ot submit it properly, just want to know whether to send my ex a ‘happy birthday x’ text on his birthday this Thursday which will be one week into the no contact. I feel it would be unkind not to mark that day, as we are always nice to eachother, even if he has been seing someone else last 2 months (he got with her days after we broke up and though I’ve been begging via email and text last 2 months to get back with, plus in person when he saw me and expressed confusion, hurt, & mixed feelings 2 weeks ago but thinks it best he not see me again as makes it harder).

If you are in very good terms otherwise, sending a polite yet short wish on his b’day should be okay. Personally, I wouldn’t just because of his last words :slight_smile:

Thank you Laura. Yesterday he emailed me to say I was in his thoughts, asking how I was etc. so I told him i don’t want to be his friend, that he knows how I feel and where I am if he wants to see me to talk, but otherwise it’s best we both have space, so he has agreed to that (though is playing the victim, saying he’ll always love me bla bla bullshit bla). So I think in the light of that, I think it is best to not wish him happy birthday afterall, hard/weird as it feels x

I totally agree! And I think you are very strong and confident which is great!