Building up after successfull first contact

Hey guys, hope you are doing fine.

My GF broke up with me 25 days ago after almkst 5 years. I went NC straight away and yesterday i sent a letter through a colleague. I said i accepted her decision, didnt judge or blame her, apologised for dismissing her ofert to remain friends and explained i went silent to try and heal/leanr to live and be happy by myself. Told her to let me know when shes ready to catch up.

When i got home from the gym i received a very positive message from her (was certain she wouldnt reply). She said she misses me, understands why i didnt contact her, said she did the same because it’s been hard for her. She doesnt feel ready to catch up yet but hopes to speak and even meet me soon.There was a PS telling me to watch the new stranger things teaser.

I replayed saying i had watched and tha it reminded me of us watching the full season in a very cold night, and that it brought a smile to my face.

Now comes the question. How do i build up? Should i wait another week to message her? When is the best time to proceed with texting her?

Thanks in advance!

Hey there.
Good for you for successfully doing NC, that’s so awesome. I think your communication with her has been spot on- clear, calm, collected, and positive… everything a girl wants.
In my opinion, it would probably be the best move to let things marinate, let her come to you now. She probably needs to think about what meeting with you would mean, as it is a big change from where you left off. Sounds like you’re doing all of the right things-- going to the gym, staying busy, just keep it up. Maybe text her when the new stranger things comes out… definitely keep it positive.
Chin up. Be proud of yourself, you’ve handled this so maturely and healthily.