Broke Up Due to Long Distance/Now Live in Same City

Was in a long distance relationship which ended because of long distance. Without going into too much detail, she said she needed me there but couldn’t ask me to change my entire life just for her. She found a new local guy.

I don’t know if they’re still dating because it’s too painful for me to look. But I now live in the same city as her (something I had intended, regardless of her). Haven’t spoken in about half a year.

Do I continue the no contact rule indefinitely and wait for her to reach out or should I reach out? If so, how? Thanks

She found a new guy and you don’t know if they’re still together? If she wanted to contact you, she could have and would have…

However, since you’re still obsessing about her, you could contact her to let her know you’re living in the same city and ask her if she’s still dating the other guy. At least you would know what’s happening and what you need to do next.