I have just broken up with my parter after being together for 2 years. I didn’t want to, but felt that I had to as she wasn’t ready to commit further (moving in together). We’re in out mid 30’s and have with children between us (from previous relationships). We were talking about living together and even looked at houses together, but every time we looked at something, she always wanted me and my 2 year old daughter to move into her 2 bedroom house (far too small).
She couldn’t leave the house, and finally today we came to to conclusion that it was due to her commitment issues. We agreed that we couldn’t continue as we wanted different things. The problem is that we both said that we still love each other and didn’t want to break our family apart, but we both felt the need to.
I said that I couldn’t continue because I needed a bigger commitment from her, but she just can’t bring herself to do it. I don’t want to be apart from her at the same time, and I think that maybe she needs a bit of time to think about what she wants.
How should I play this?