I was talking to this girl for 6 months. At 1st we started out as friends & then started getting close & messing around while she had a boyfriend. When we were friends I tried to talk to her best friend but she wasn’t interested. Fast forward to the beginning of June; she is no longer with Her boyfriend and broke up with him because of me & because it wasn’t working.
We would occasionally get into arguments but nothing serious; she’s the jealous type and I don’t know why because she’s gorgeous and dudes go crazy for her when we’re together. The same best friend I tried to talk to from a while back would always try to convenience to stop talking to me.
One day when she came over we got into a little argument and she got pissed & said she wanted space. At the time she was stressed because of work, family issues, ex boyfriend, strong feelings toward me & the arguing here n there. I took her asking for space as its over. I love this girl & she loves me & I want a relationship with her. I called her & texted like a fool & got my # & Instagram blocked. She recently unblocked me on Instagram but hasn’t reached out & it is now day 13 out of 30. Last we spoke she said the closer I try to be the further she wants me to be & she’s done. She initially wanted space but I didn’t give it to her & now I’m here. I honestly know that she love(d) me but got stressed & this is her way of handling it.
What do I do ? Should I pursue her? Should I give up? Should I send a letter & flowers after the 30 days ?
It looks to me like you are doing exactly what you need to do, give her some space. Ultimately, when you are giving this person space, you are showing her that you respect her decision. Since you are showing her respect, when she thinks about you and the situation it will be more likely she has positive thoughts. Right now, you should probably not pursue her or give up. I think the idea of NC is to focus on yourself. Try to do things that will make you a better person and reward yourself when you accomplish goals. Consider things that you might want to accomplish and start making positive changes. As time passes, if you are making positive changes in your life, when the time comes for you to reconnect with her you should have a good idea of what you need to do. I know this is challenging but hang in there.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take your advice, but after the 30 days how should I get in contact with her? Over text, or should I send flowers & a letter?
She loves flowers but I don’t know if I’m going to get her back but I feel like I can. It’s just so 50/50
Is it worth pursuing or should I give up? She blocked my # so now if I go back I loose a sense of pride. I don’t know
It is very normal to feel confused. In your post I see you saying that you feel like you can rekindle your relationship. In my mind, your remark sounds very positive. Embrace this hopeful attitude. It is still probably a little early to start thinking about how you will contact this person next. Hopefully, as you give this situation some space these answers will come to you. Also, as time passes, you will gain insight as to whether or not you want to purse this relationship anyway. You may find that you have lost interest in this person by the end of the no contact. On the other hand, with cool collected composure you may become irresistible to her. Ultimately, time will give you the answers you seek.
Thanks for getting back to me; has been very helpful. But she blocked my # & Instagram; is that a sign she wants nothing to do with me or would you say it’s out of anger.
That’s what i don’t know. But when we were together we were great & had a good dynamic but once her best friend came around that would all change.
What do you think ?
Honestly, her blocking communication could mean several things. Of course, when she initially made the decision to block your communication I would imagine she most likely was angry. Also, it shows that she really wants some space, right now. The thing is when she sees that you are respecting her decision, after some time has passed, she may decide to reopen a line of communication with you. At that point, if you decide that it is something you want to pursue, you can begin a new relationship.
As my no contact continues, I have begun questioning whether I would want to try again with my ex. The conclusion that I have come to, is that the old relationship I was in is both done and gone. The only way that I would want to be back with my ex is if we were able to start a new and fresh relationship.
I hope I was able to answer your question.
Thanks. I appreciate you getting back to me & I’ll keep the NC going until some time next month & send her flowers & a letter to see what happens from there
I wish you the best of luck. If you need any more assistance please do not hesitate to ask. When you get your resolution post an update. I would really like to know how things turn out.
Will do. Just keep an eye out & I’ll make sure to let you know; I’m confident I’ll get her back once things cool down but girls are complicated so I don’t know
Someone who understands women would never get in an argument with them.
You chose to pursue a girl who ha a boyfriend and now you’re wondering why you’re in such a bad situation? lol
As far as I can see you two were never in a relationship, so why are you using the 30 day rule?
If I was you I’d back off completely like she wants you to. She doesn’t want anything to do with you, hence why she blocked you. You’re literally a homewrecker and nothing more.
I don’t think she loves you back, because if she did she would make it easy for you to get with her …
Move on.
"Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take your advice, but after the 30 days how should I get in contact with her? Over text, or should I send flowers & a letter?
She loves flowers but I don’t know if I’m going to get her back but I feel like I can. It’s just so 50/50"
And I just read this … are you serious? COME ON MAN!
You were never with her, how can you say you’re “going to get her back”.
Don’t contact her and DEFINITELY don’t send her flowers, you’ll be on your way to get a restraining order.
@solidturd… Your right to all of the avoid when I think about it; we werent together but she did love me that’s why she left her boyfriend & then we would get into something here n there…every1 does
I’ll leave her alone for a while because she was mad how we ended. I had her best friend in her ear telling her not to mess with me & then she thought I was messing with other girls when I wasnt.
But again I hear what your saying
I broke the no contact rule on 4th day by talking to him 2 hours ,but taking to him I get to know that’s its not the time to get him back because he thinks that every thing is just normal and I am fully in his control.he takeme back any time just like I am a puppet for him.he just treats me as a option right now.he wont realized his mistakes .just manipulated the whole situation and makes fool of me .I know he is not in love with me at this time he just wants a girl .what next should I do because I am regretting that why I talked to him.beacuse he is thinking nothing wrong he had done with me.