`I learned a lot in the last 7 days and today I purposely broke the NC rule.
It has been 12 hours and still no response and guess what?
I realized that I no longer NEED this woman.
I feel bad that so many people are stuck in this thought that they
can’t live without the ex.
I am not saying I am opposed to getting back with her but I can tell you this.
I haven’t been this secure and at peace in quite some time.
Love is not a game in which we can or must intentionally hurt the other.
Now I am not judging anyone for still doing NC but there are 3.5 billion men and 3.5 billion women in this world…which means there are plenty of opportunities for love that doesn’t cause all this heartache.
NO one is worth it…not even me.
I wouldn’t want my ex to feel pain and hurt and anguish waiting for me to call/text/write.
Now my 30 day path started from the break up but it wasn’t about the loss of her it was the about the realization that I needed a lot of changes to be a person who is worthy of love and is willing to give love.
Knowing that I also realized that no matter how much change I achieved it was somewhat pointless to the relationship if my former partner didn’t due her own journey.
Since it takes two to tango it also takes two to re-build a relationship.
I am quite happy that I sent the message instead of waiting. Now I realize many will say that she probably WOULD have responded after the 30 days.
Personally I was no longer willing to give that a shot because her validation was/is no longer important to me.
Either I am worth the fight or I am not.
I am also quite aware that she may be pondering the message I sent and MAY still respond…and if she does…then that is a wonderful blessing.
Ultimately I am a loving person who has a ton to give someone else and if she doesn’t want it then I will find the right person who will.
Remember that YOUR worth is NOT contingent on what another person thinks.
Please don’t take my words as a personal jab at you if you are still waiting.
This is my revelation and may not work for you.
Have a wonderful night and good fortune to all.