He sent a text and this one was different… he said he needed help. With exclamation points.
Background: I’m ashamed to lay out the truth because it’s so unbelievable. We’ve been together over a year, he chased me forever, even 4 years ago and I don’t even remember the dinner with him. I thought he was my usual type: nice, fun, professional guy, neither of us were looking for marriage because we are divorced. As time went on, I did more for him, he did less for me. We stopped going out. He’d have me “pick up coffee” on the way over…and forget to pay me back. Often. He did not acknowledge Christmas, New Year’s, or my birthday…we kept breaking up. He’d make a change, for a while. Finally, we had the big one. I was done. I was kind of doing No Contact, or close to it, on my own when I found this site. Then full No Contact. He was texting and getting nothing and I know he was going insane. Meanwhile, I’m sick for this moron…the physical part is unreal, addicting, and we’re together constantly. Although I allowed him to turn me into a doormat, I’m kinda confident he’d have a rough time replacing me.
So I get this message for “Help, I think I F***ed up my daughter’s financial aid!”
It was a trick, you guys. It got me to bite, “Why? what’s wrong? what happened?” He texts some mumbled B.S. about deadlines …which are NEXT MARCH and I said, “This is a ruse.” He texts: “If you want it to be…” winky face…See, he’s off work all weekend with nobody to entertain him. To be ladylike about it.
So what do I do? I email him. I say by my being a doormat I was doing him a disservice because I was taking away the generous, giving person that he really is. (I mean, I didn’t write this to him, but SURELY he’s not the selfish, narcissist we have before us now, right? who doesn’t acknowledge christmas? A one year anniversary?) Ugh, why do I care, really? To make a long, lame, story die its long overdue death…
…the gem doesn’t respond. He got me. He has the power back. So…to shake him up… I told him I was at the piercers, and oh, our friend wanted him to see her piercing pic, which I sent…and let him wonder about me.
The moral of the story…No Contact. You’ll regret it. I sooooo regret it.
Best wishes to everyone,