Break up after 2 years. Help me please....

My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. We’re both 18, been with each other for 2 years. A lot has happened during those years. We have had our fights and our breaks. We spent a whole year together 24/7, no contact with others just us. No hobbies, no friends no nothing. During that year things really went out of control. We had a break, and I got really hurt by the things she said; like she didn’t love me anymore, and she didn’t want to give me false hope and be in a relationship with me. Her two friends, had talked her into a mad negative way of thinking and that ruined our relationship. We got back together after 2-3 weeks.

I felt things were still off and I was afraid that she’d do the same thing again. So I started partying, and my “bestfriend” got me real drunk one night and I cheated on my girlfriend. I kissed someone else, but I was so drunk (2nd time drinking alcohol ever - I passed out and don’t remember much) that I couldn’t remember anything, and apparently I said to my ex that I had sex with another girl… Which wasn’t true. My friends that were there confirmed that nothing more than kissing had happened.

Anyways, she got really upset and I did anything I could do to win her back, and I slowly did. She tried to forgive me, and it kind off happened. I was being really mad at her even though she accepted me back, fighting her all the time, and I did so much… And I hurt her really bad. I’ve told her several times I wanted to break up and one day on the phone she said “I agree, we should break up”.

I got confused and said I didn’t mean it like that and I cried on the phone told her I’d change and everything. We took a break and she started contacting me. We met each other for 2 days, and we started arguing again. The break only lasted like 2 weeks, maybe less.

And today I made a huge mistake. She told me she didn’t love me anymore, she didn’t want to be with me, she was happy without me etc. And I begged her, literally cried and everything to get her back. And she shouted and yelled at me and told me to leave, while her friend was behind her telling me that I was a douche and that she deserves someone so much better than me. Her friend seriously smiled and was happy about all this. I begged her and begged her for no-use. I told her before I went out the door that we should do a NC for 2 weeks, and if she didn’t want to be with me after that I’d leave her alone forever… And she said “Yeah sure, I still won’t be with you after 2 weeks. My opinion won’t change. I’m doing better without you and you know that”.

I’ve honestly never been so pathetic in my entire life, I tried really hard getting her back and she was soooo mad at me, she yelled and told me that she doesn’t trust me anymore, and that she’s better without me. I swear that her friends are being complete negative idiots and making her believe that she’s doing so much better without me even though when I know that my girlfriend, or now my ex… Still loves me…

What should I do? COMPLETE NC ? No contact at all? Like if she writes to me on facebook, I shouldn’t reply? I shouldn’t post pictures on snapchat on “mystory” or “instagram” and stay completely away from girls? What am I supposed to do… It’s so hard, because I really love her with all of my heart, and she’s the only one I want…

Please help me…

Does this site even work?.. Can anyone give me some advice? please…

You should follow the 5 step plan.It absolutely will increase your chances.
Do not stalk her on social media during this time.NC means no contact so you don’t have to contact her and you don’t have to answer her in she contacts you.
Work on yourself and make positive changes in your life.
Use social media to show her that you are having a great time in your life.Show that you are happy without her and your life is amazing.The more you look happy,the more she misses you.
Here’s a checklist for ending no contact.

-You followed the no contact rule for at least one month.
-You are no longer a mess as you were after the breakup.
-You have made a few positive changes in your life.
-You are absolutely sure that getting back with your ex is a good decision.
-You have gone on at least one date during no contact.
-You have accepted the breakup and you are OK with the fact that you may never get your ex back and this might never work for you.
-You have accepted the fact that even if you don’t get your ex back, you will be fine since there are endless opportunities in the world to find love and happiness.

Follow the 5 step plan.
Best of luck

Subscribe to kevin’s email series.It’ll help you a lot.

She called me yesterday and was SOOO MAD. She asked me who this girl in my class was, that someone had seen us talk with each other. And that girl is in my movie group, so we HAVE to talk, and my ex knows that. She called, was pissed, really jealous and all. I didn’t answer her the three first times she was calling. So she hit me up on facebook and told me to grow up and answer. I called her back and told her that her calls didn’t go through because something was wrong on my cellphone, which is true. Her calls didn’t go through to me, but she told me that she had called me 3 times. ANYWAYS, fast forward. She was angry, and I told her that there wasn’t anything between me and that girl and told her that I’m sorry if she got hurt. And that a break between us is a good thing. I stayed calm the whoooole time! And she said “MAYBE IT’S TO F**CKING LATE??” then she hang up. Didn’t call her back or contact her. That was 22 hrs ago. I broke the NC because she called me. So I’m starting a new NC again, I do not contact her unless she contacts me right? Her facebook profile still says she’s in a relationship with me, and her instagram pictures of us are still there. What should I do next?

I also put up some videos etc to my snapchat story, and she checks out every single one of them!

You should start NC.Do not contact her and do not answer her calls/texts/fb msgs… .If she keeps contacting you,just text her and say that you think both of you need some time and that you will contact her later.
Do not stalk her on social media and subscribe to kevin’s email series.
Read the article again and follow the 5 step plan.Its the best way you can increase your chances.

I’m pretty sure she won’t start dating anyone, neither am I. We’re more on a break than a break up. She’s just jealous, and I need to somehow win her trust back. Not only her, but her friend also said that. She told me I should stop posting pictures to make her jealous and rather just give her time alone and let her find herself. We’ve been both controlling, me more than her though. And I think she wants to be alone for a while, she has a sickness too. Which makes her negative, frustrated and tired. It’s called “chronic fatigue syndrome” it has so many symptoms than just being “fatigue”. And I know she’s having a hard time. When I told her that I might switch schools at the point where she called me etc, she got really upset. She’s just mad… Honestly, she’s just really mad and jealous. I know that she wants me, but I need to show her that I only want her as well, NOT in a desperate CLINGY way. I’m sure I haven’t lost her yet, and I’m sure she still wants me. BECAUSE if she didn’t, she’d tell her mom what has been going on between us, and if she did that. It wouldn’t be any chance in hell we’d be together again. And she still hasn’t done that.

She thinks that I’m lying to her about absolutely everything. Her friend told me that she’d speak to her and make her understand more today or something. I fucking get nervous around my gf, so I say a lot of bullshit. And she can sense that. That’s why she’s having a hard time believing in me… She’s more insecure and unsure than anything else. And when someone is insecure everything basically goes to hell, especially if you push them, as I did… I should of just given her all the time she wanted when she asked… And right now I’m on NC and I will do that until she contacts me, I can’t ignore her… Because then she will get even more mad and everything, instead I’ll talk to her reasonable and calm her down. And if she doesn’t become calm I’ll just say to her that we can talk another time. She’s so insecure that it’s crazy… + her sickness making her even more insecure and crazy. So much… :confused: