Blocked. Confused. Lost.

Hey there! I was involved with a guy for almost 5 months. We got pretty serious (I mean meet the family serous) fast & very very close. Problem was, he had just gotten out of an almost 2 year relationship & he was the one that was broken up with. He’s been in a very very bad place which was not best for us to pursue anything. We decided to step back & stay friends but continued hanging out, sleeping together, & basically dating without a title. We had arguments every now & then.
Well due to him being in an emotionally and mentally unstable place from his break up he’s changed & has been impulsive & irrational. I did so much for him. Well before we got into a fight a couple weeks ago I bought some things for him. He was very hostile & careless in this fight. I messaged him about 4 days later on Snapchat asking a genuine, meaningless question about golf. He opened it & blocked me the next day but did not block my number. We didn’t see each other for about 3 weeks. We would talk every now & then kind of reconciling. Well about 2 weeks ago we saw each other in person because he needed a ride. He talked & reconciled. All last week he was very nice to me & things were getting back on the tight track. Well he wanted me to “get together” to meet up, give him what I bought, & leave. I was so confused by this bwcause I thought things were good again. And that’s what I texted him after he said that. He completely lashed out & snapped saying “leave me alone stop texting me” and he was the one who asked when we were getting together.
Well I sent him a text basically saying I can’t do this anymore & he’s disrespected me & degraded my character & just been unappreciative. I then posted the things on my Instagram story for sale & a story about caring for people from a distance. He saw these and then blocked me on EVERYTHING. I did nothing hateful. N talking down or anything. Not to mention we didn’t even follow each other on Instagram but he would watch my storie everyday. And we weren’t friends on any social media & I have never reached out to him on social media in the midst of not being on good terms.

Well one of his best friends also would view my stories and he didn’t follow me either. He added me on Snapchat the other day. I messaged him asking about a car because he works at a car dealership . He was very kind in his response. Saved the chat. I go to reply and he has blocked me on eveything as well!

I’m very bothered that my “ex” is taking such extreme measures over basically nothing. Should I block him & his friend back? Do y’all think my “ex” will ever unblock me?

This was so unprovoked. We’ve been in actual arguments & he’s never taken any measures like this so I’m just lost that he snapped out of absolutely nowhere so