
Hi. New to this site but was hoping someone could give me some guidance and support. I was in an amazing relationship for the last 10 months, very little arguments and just an overall great fit on so many levels. He told me he loved me first, made constant plans, vacations, met each other’s kids and extended families. Everything about our relationship was truly special and I thought I really found “him” and am completely in love. About a week ago he broke up with me during an intense discussion. The back story that led to the intense discussion was the evening before I had a falling out with my brother. I thought he didn’t have “my back”. So I spoke up about it which led to further discussions about our differences in family values. Although we got extremely close I did feel from the beginning he put up a small wall by saying family will always come first. While I agree with that when it comes to children, I didn’t feel as strongly about this as he did. I love my family, significant others and find a way to balance it. One thing led to another and he said that he’s not giving me what I want and I’ll find someone who will. I was completely shocked as this came out of left field, an intense discussion turns to an immediate break up? I thought he really loved me so my question is, will he come back or has he left forever? I’ve emailed him taking responsibility for my part in the relationship ending but he hasn’t responded. Is this really over?

@Faith1 give him more time. Do no contact.

Thank you, I’m trying but so hard.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? What can I expect if anything at all?