Birthday - No message

Hey, guys,

My birthday is today and not yet received message from my ex and I think I will not even get :frowning:

A month ago we finished and two weeks did not speak. Last time she was very angry when I called her and wanted to see me dead.

Do you think this is a sign? Or she is still very upset …

Should I start thinking about moving on?


Wants you dead?! :open_mouth:

Not Really…

But the last time we speak, she’s very upset with me :frowning:

She ask why i try to talk to her and that if you were in front of her, she hit me …

And she did not send me message yesterday :frowning:

I’m afraid the same will happen this weekend to me. He broke up from text and block me from snapchat.

Hi hungry hippo

How are you doing? Whem will be your bday?

You are blocked from all social media? The tip I can give is if you are already doing the NC, do not care too much about it, not enter contact and let it roll …

I was reading, and this attitude can mean a lot, not only that the person hates us.


I don’t think is hate but I don’t want annoyed either :frowning: it’s been 19 days of NC. My birthday is this weekend. It’s hard to fight urges I’ve been just kinda down and out of it especially when I’m with friends and family. Listening to music makes me sad and sometimes I cry.

hungry hippo

Last week I was pretty devastated not to receive a happy birthday from my ex who claimed to love me :frowning:

But we must understand that we are no longer in a relationship and that our ex is not the same sweet people and love with us as before.

That hurt me a lot, but it made me start thinking about moving on. So, however much it may hurt, it’s helping me in one way or another. I still want to try to get back with my ex, but as the days pass, I begin to accept more and more that I can never get it back.

When I hear some songs also feel bad and I almost cried every day. I never cried so much in all my life hehehehe.

The tip I give you is, forget that you may or may not recever message from her, enjoy your family and friends because what matters is who wants to be by your side!

Be strong.