Bipolar mistake

Hello to all. My girlfriend recently broke up with me. We raced into a relationship and I moved across the country to be with her. We both had a mutual friend so this was not an online meeting. We hit it off and things were great.

Unfortunately when I moved from Kansas to California to be with her I think the stress got to me. On top of that I work a 14 hr/day job and commute 3.5 hrs round trip. I thought I was able to handle it but as I look back my mental health was rapidly deteriorating. On top of that I am bipolar so the ramifications of stress and lack of sleep are magnified 10 fold.

Well over the course of nine months she would nitpick stuff and I took it as her believing I wasn’t good enough for her. Once in a while I would blow up. When I blow up I have to leave immediately to cool off otherwise I lose control of my anger and say hurtful things I don’t mean.

Most of the time things were great but just that loss of control hurt her emotionally. Eventually she broke up with me and I think it was a good idea because I needed different medication and she needed some space. Afterwards we had some pretty spiteful exchanges but now we are on good terms now that I have got the right medication to control my mood swings.

My stuff is still at her place and I’m living with a coworker. I had to go over there to get some stuff and we had a good conversation. I was upbeat and playful but also regretful about how I behaved. She said she noticed a huge difference and was crying because our relationship could have been different had I gotten help sooner. Although she said she doesn’t know if she can ever trust me not to go off again but if she did she would need a long time like a year or more. She wasn’t against slowly trying to talk more and see how things go. (This was before I came across this website).

I guess I’m looking for advice. Is my hope doomed? I will have to see her again because I will have to move out. Should I just not talk to her before and after that? She has texted me but seems distant.

@Scubasteve1212 Glad your medication was changed and that you feel more emotionally stable. It’s natural that she would be afraid your mood swings will return and it will take time for her to trust you in that regard. She wants to go forward slowly with talking more and see how things go. Because of this, I suggest you do not try no contact, but keep talking. It’s okay that the talks are casual because she wants to proceed slowly.

No I don’t think the situation is doomed. You have a chance to make things better, so take it…
When she calls or sends a text, answer appropriately with care and kindness.

PS: Did you live together those 9 months? When did you move in with a co-worker? Are you going to rent an apartment any time soon?

Thanks for answering. A week ago she sent me a picture of my cats and her dog but I joked what about her and got zero response. I don’t know how to take that. Maybe I’m misinterpreting her wanting to stay in touch

Yes we did live together those nine months. I moved in with coworker about a month ago but still talked to her periodically. I was not properly medicated until about two weeks ago. She might have been crying more about that I apologized and told her that she wasn’t the villian I made her out to be. Its hard to remember everything completely because we talked for a long time and I had been up for about 19 hours and then I had a 19 hour drive to do.

I am planning on renting an apartment as soon as work picks back up and I get hired back but I can’t without proof of income/job

@Scubasteve1212 I hope things work out for you regarding a job, the apartment, and your ex:)
Keep us posted from time-to-time and stay safe…